1. Megan Chen says

    Free 24 inch brightness-adjustable shooting tent contact huaxiaoge102@gmail.com

  2. David Farmer says

    quite useful thanks.

  3. Ishan Purekar says

    So you have to set up this up everytime you have to shoot?? and what about products that don't fit in??? ever tried online editing tools— which one is your favourite? If you are searching for them one of them I would recommend is ZenFotomatic (zenfotomatic.com) for editing product photos! would like your views on that!!

  4. Michael St.James says

    Very useful video for people new to light boxes. Thank you.

  5. Re Eb says

    Letter holder my ass

  6. Darren Robinson says

    Is there anywhere in the UK this is available? Thanks.

  7. shahed mahbub says

    Great video. Nicely explained. Very detailed. Thanks a lot.

  8. Henric Andersen says

    Very useful. Thank's a lot Mark.

  9. Alyanschi Gümüş Alyans says

    very good tut thank you!
    I use led lighting inside the box pointing outwards and works great for me


    thanks for the valuable tutorial

  11. Bob Brown says

    great video..brand name of the light tent? thanks

  12. skyknightmm says

    As always, great tutorial Mark!

  13. Manualidades says

    mark, you are awesome

  14. George Sekonda says

    Check out the book 'Product Photography Tips for eBay and Ecommerce'

  15. Mark Robin Keeler says

    The Ah-Hah moment. I was getting precisely the problem he mentions with lots of light but it was coming out grey even though my exposure seemed right. I'll have to toy with the exp comp and see how much it changes.

  16. Edward Thompson says

    +SnapFactory what focal length did you use for the photos?

  17. Great video…Thanks!

  18. Shirin A. says

    Thanks a lot .. that was very useful.

  19. Ducati Gedge says

    what size is the tent in the video?

  20. Ian Phillips says

    For those of you that missed it, this is a photec light tent. He says it at 3:18 in the video

  21. Clipping Path Experts says

    Excellent presentation about product photography, Anybody take a shot himself.

  22. Product Photo Canada says

    The power of lighting but in wiser way. Good job!

  23. Tamieka Hall says

    Hey Snapfactory, I know this is an old vid, but what kind of light tent would you suggest, 4 years later?!

  24. Elle Icon says

    Inexpensive? No.
    Easy? No.

  25. JerzZDog says

    I can see your reflection in the product.

  26. SuperLumberjock says

    The question was inexpensively. Let's see Canon camera = $2000. Lens 20-70mm f2.8 = $2500. 2 Canon flashes $1000. Pocket wizards = $800. Let's not forget SD cards and Adobe Lightroom to process images taken. And then you have that "tent box". That is one "inexpensive" and "easy product photography." 

  27. en anden says

    i want this light tent thingy 🙂

  28. Theo Sudarja says

    good idea.. is it thick plastic? but do you have enough light through?

    this is really interesting option.

  29. Jewel Bunch III says


  30. Manish Manchanda says

    very nice video ,plz mail me some df tutorial [email protected]

  31. Stuart Marriott says

    Really informative video, thats for the upload.

  32. Stuart Marriott says

    I got the impression it was for someone with a little ebay business.

  33. Andrea Roe says

    What brand is this tent?

  34. MIC COL says

    thanks for sharing, amazing idea!

  35. warrengonline says

    This was for eBay, one use photos. A little overkill, but GREAT for a photographer for a big company with small products.

  36. Abe Lincoln says

    Generally speaking…. thats why photographers TAKE the pictures

  37. Dan V says

    I just used a bunch of white foam core boards that I made into a box. You can see it at danphotog.blogspot.com/2012/11/some-product-shots.html

  38. ronatholl says

    looks a bit complicated

  39. MobileWhisperer says

    Great video, I would love to see the 8ft lightbox in action. Sounds perfect for music videos

  40. Hey Mark, it looks uncomfortable..

  41. Luis Mendoza says

    thats true 🙂

  42. Carlos Raluy says

    i think the question was about taking pictures "inexpensively" … i think he skipped that part.

  43. Joel W says

    which tent is this?

  44. A L says

    10:14 haha

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