A Wedding Photographer's Bag (ALL PRIME LENSES)


Remember that gear doesn’t necessarily make your work better, so remember to do the best you can with what you have and lean in to what makes you different!

Feel free to follow me and/or DM me on instagram:

Here’s my website:

Here are those tutorials I was talking about:

Tilt-Shift Tutorial:
Brenizer Method Tutorial (with the 85mm):

This video was shot at my home and Creative Club Chicago —

Here’s a breakdown of my gear:
2 Canon 5d Mark IVs
Sigma 24mm f/1.4ART
Canon 35mm f/1.4L mark i
Canon 45mm f/2.8 TS-E
Canon 50mm f/1.2L
Canon 85mm f/1.2L
Canon 135mm f/2L
Canon 600 EX-RT
Canon 1v – 35mm Film Camera
Leica M6
Fujifilm Instax Wide

Always by UTAH
Tomorrow by Xan Young

All music was licensed through the Musicbed Membership:


  1. Eric Floberg says

    Who else still uses Canon? Sometimes I feel like a grandpa using it, but I just can't let it go.

  2. james jackson says

    I am a Nikon user and have the sigma 35mm 1.4 and damn I want to love it so much. Auto focus sucks. It’s at a 30% hit rate which in portraits you can get away with cause you can fire off 5 quick shots. In events/weddings not so much plus the volume of pics. Only reason I have kept it this long is because I purchased it for $250. When it hits focus though it is amazing.

  3. 77dris says

    I use the Sigma 35/1.4 Art on my 5DIV and it's stellar! I'm not sure what "falls apart at the seams" means (build?) but it's built like a tank, and has a 7 year warranty (vs 1 year for the Canon). Focus has been spot on and it's sharp AF. I highly recommend it.

  4. Joshua Berling says

    Just discovered your channel today but loving it already ! Keep it up 🙂

  5. Damien Lao says

    Can you make a tutorial on how to switch lenses when time is an issue?

  6. Joseph L says

    Great Video! My question is: what camera bag do you use to carry all of those?

  7. Jethro Salazar says

    Great video content man! Keep it up!

  8. Sindy Magana says

    first time watching your videos, or channel for that matter, and besides your gear (which as a wedding photographer I am obsessed with) I loved how you kept it real with your kiddos in the video, and how life can get a little messy with kids toys lying around.. you just won a new subscriber !

  9. Thundertastic says

    You trynna break your back wearing all that in a bag without padding?

  10. Cody Oscar David says

    I just found your channel! Love it!! I would also love to see how you get the light trails.

  11. Keith Lemm says

    light trail ? mmmm Yes please

  12. Walnut Street Photography says

    Loving your videos! How bout one on how you edit? 💁‍♂️

  13. Mauria Photography says

    I love your content.

  14. Onam Giri says

    love to see a Light Trail video.

  15. Sonny Michael says

    Please do the tutorial of how to create the effect with the flash

  16. Ebeoji says

    5:47 let's play xD

  17. Regnis Mada says

    100% light trails tutorial. Love your work!

  18. Ben Alexander says

    okay, 11:07 with your kid rocking one of your cameras in the background is pretty great. Work life balance hype

  19. ADVTEX says

    Need an Eric street photography video!

  20. Jared Scott Productions says

    Only prime lenses!!

  21. Noealz Photo says

    Pretty cool photography videos, wish I had come across your stuff earlier. Anyways, keep it up

  22. Michael Mims says

    I'm from Chicago too. Love the video bro!

  23. Natasha Sharapova says

    You are a natural! Awesome channel!

  24. Vlad Radion says

    Yes, my 35mm sigma fell apart as well!

  25. Christopher Menz says

    Sigmas newer primes are much better (eg. 135/105), the focus is basically as good as the Canons. (I personally use the bit older 50mm and the 135mm)

  26. Alexandre Sousa says

    Do you shoot with those lenses wide open?

  27. Kyle Reyes says

    You’ve really inspired to me to try and go back to doing photography, thanks for this video!

  28. kai brand says

    Best gear video I’ve ever watched

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