5 MISTAKES Photographers Make When Posing Models || Fashion Photography Tips & Tricks


Today’s video is about 5 mistakes photographers make when posing models for fashion photography.

This is another video I’ve wanted to do for a while! I’m considering doing a full series on posing models, let me know what you all think!

Previous posing video:

What are some mistakes you try to avoid when posing models? 😊

D1O – Find Me


Canon EOS 5D Mark II:
Canon 85mm f1.2L:
Canon 24-70mm f2.8L:
Canon 50mm f1.8:

My Studio Lights:
Elinchrom D-Lite RX 4 Kit (2 x square softbox, 1 x octabox)

My Laptop (Microsoft Surface Book) :
My Graphics Tablet:
My Camera Bag:
My Ipad:
My Vlogging Camera (Canon G7x):


(We’re doing VLOGMAS!)





My Photoshop Actions & Presets:

  1. Shacontala Olivera says

    Feels good to know this

  2. Martin G says

    I don't know if "too many bent limbs" is an issue. It all really depends on the drama and the purpose of the image. If you look at a great model like Coco Rocha, she does so many angular and dynamic poses with her whole body and her images get attention and actually sell what their supposed to sell, take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAL35pAg_8I
    Still, I like the reminders of the basics of posing. Honestly most modeling images fall into the "blah, not that interesting and nothing new" category for me.

  3. Joel F says

    Great tips😍. About to go shoot a model.!!

  4. Georgia Ioannidi says


  5. unicor love says

    My name is spelled kayleigh the same the first person I met with the same name as me πŸ˜„

  6. Shanaya Chaudhary says

    Create more tutorials πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  7. Karloz Monsalve says

    Very good tips Kayleigh. I fell a lot in them in my beginnings. Also I would add the shots with wide lenses, making the legs look short but that would be for another topic. I really like your channel and your photos miss June.
    What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own channel, I am a retoucher and photographer in my case would be retouching, colorization and treatment of the image, I would also like to combine it with photography. I would appreciate your advice. Thank you! …. A greeting from Colombia, Latin America! πŸ™‚
    PS: Sorry for my translation, I only speak two languages: Spanish and bad English hehe.

  8. cool3esh says

    you know it's Kayleigh when you hear "hey guys, welcome back to my channel" πŸ˜€

  9. Magnus Simonsen says

    Great video!

  10. Rob.x says

    Great tips ….never thought of these before x

  11. Michael Cobbs says

    Good video.

  12. john wheatley says

    I would add to the list….. Dont crop on the joints….. Thighs, but not knees etc.. Β  Β And never shoot on railway tracks… Apart from being extremely dangerous, its been done to death !!

  13. pyali singh says

    nice πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜

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