5 Essential Tips to take Professional Photos with an iPhone


In this video, we will show you how to shoot a professional fashion portrait with an iPhone, or any smartphone with good camera. Included are 5 quick tips to get started and getting it right in the camera, affordable lighting gear list and description, followed by a short but detailed retouching workflow in Photoshop CC2015. Although the retouching tutorial is designed for StyleMyPic Pro Workflow Panel users, most of the techniques can be applied using standard Photoshop tools and methods.

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iPhone 6s Camera (Default Camera App)
1 Octabox with 4 x 65 Watt (220 watt equivalent) compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs (6500k Daylight Balanced)
Manfrotto Tripod and Light Stand
Bluetooth Shutter Release

If you have any questions regarding this shoot, please leave them in the comments below! Thanks for watching!!

  1. Shyam Kawshal says

    nice video.. the link to the photoshop action script is dead. where can i get this?

  2. Mr. Laxr says

    Your information and content was so helpful thanks!

  3. Jocelyn Martinez says

    Photoshop ruins it

  4. This guy looks like Ben Shapiro if he was Indian

  5. junecat11 says

    This was so helpful! Thank you! I had no idea my iPhone could do these things!

  6. Dainius Rutkauskas says

    She looks bad and more unprofessional photographed after the photoshop

  7. Alan Ruelas says

    I'm good with just the take the photo part haha not the whole Photoshop part.

  8. imran khan says

    What backdrop are you using? Can I get a link?

  9. Spurgeon Perkins says

    Would you be willing to upload this video organically to your Facebook Page so I can share it organically on Facebook? It opens up YouTube in a different tab instead of playing it within the FB group I'm sharing it to. This info is really useful to the actors I work with, and I would love to make it easier for them to watch. Thanks for making this!

  10. Domizio_KC says

    Thanks I was looking for a service like this!!! 👍

  11. ray t says

    iPhone is  iPhone,   good   !

  12. leandro casco says


  13. sunshinedelights says

    It's 2017 and I am still astounded by the results! Powerful.

  14. REAY says

    Wow thanks

  15. Evan M says

    "Filmed on iphone 7" 😂😂😂

  16. Eric K says

    How do you make the iPhone take many photos automatically? The timer only takes one picture at a time before you have to press the button.?

  17. a says

    can you try outside

  18. Silvia Borja says

    Wow! Amazing work!!

  19. Kylexcarlx Official says

    Great video!Can you please make a video of your photoshoot set up?

  20. Mario Vaden says

    The biggest lesson you proved here, is why NOT to use an iPhone for "Professional" portraits. The instant you showed the image on a monitor, it was evident right away how much detail was lacking in the hair compared to "professional" lenses and DSLR … I think you demonstrated the iPhone is really nice for casual portraits of friends and amateur shooting. But this is a crystal clear example that the iPhone is not pro gear. You did mention to "embrace" it's "limitations", so at least you got that on the record.

  21. Cole Gabriel says

    Do I have to buy the SMP Pro Workflow? Or is it free? I can't find it there

  22. Benita Elmedia says

    Outstanding and helpful video! Thank you so much

  23. Genologic says

    she looks more attractive in the before

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