Natural light newborn photography with Ana Brandt and 9 day newborn baby girl Quinn


Watch Ana Brandt behind the scenes as she photographs a client in their Newport Coast home in California. Baby Quinn is 9 days new and was photographed in natural light.

Anamaria Brandt Photography, Inc.

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  1. Tina Parmar says

    Plz hve a look on my daughter's channel.

  2. Salar Khan says

    Nice photography but i think she edit these photos a bit more

  3. Dagnis Valtins says

    Awesome pictures and family. Bless them 🙂

  4. Ahter Ozmen says

    Hey! Is it a 50mm lens?

  5. Sandi Pound says

    Beautiful family and how blessed they were to have Ana photograph them. My favorite part was when all three little sisters were being photographed together. So precious!

  6. Jenna Williams says

    Oh my goodness what a beautiful little peanut

  7. Andrea Vazquez Martinez says

    you´re the best… <3


    Please ana welcome to india ….n m madly in love with the music say the lullaby name

  9. 邓杰 says

    I love it

  10. Afreen Ansari says

    Allha meri bahen ko bhi aisa papa ho jae inshallah😀😀😊😊😊and aamin

  11. AAYSHA ISMAIL says

    Wow…… Great….. 😊

  12. Laiyla Urbina says

    She is so cute

  13. Seyhan Özkan says

    I love you baby👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶

  14. Vincen Cohan says

    when you have your own baby so you will know exactly how it feels love love love

  15. Jocelyne Brin says

    Merveilleux magnifique💖💖💖

  16. Lakshmi s says

    Simply amazing ana

  17. Sisy Vasileva says

    Hi Ana, I really love your work! Thank you for sharing all your tips and help to the begginers in this bussines.. Just one question, what happened with Tiffany? I think she is an amazing girl, very sweet and helpful assistant

  18. Oswaldo Torres Londoño says

    I love it

  19. Camila Cavallar says

    Parabéns! Lindo trabalho!

  20. Karen Clifford says

    ah, a new channel. thought I had everything just under ana brandt. hope i have all of them now. as always, thanks for everything you do and share with us ana.

  21. JF contato says

    I like your work congratulations 🙂

  22. Samantha ponder says

    your a natural… u make the baby relax, the parent's etc and mostly me…I can't stop watching them… u need a reality show… ur business would quadruple ☆

  23. Eva Klimentová Repaská says

    You are amazing!

  24. raquel rando says

    Meu Deus que fotografa maravilhosa!!! amei!!!Parabens!!!!!

  25. Rachel A says

    Your amazing!! Where did you get all the supplies?

  26. Anamaria Brandt Photography says

    Behind the scenes at a natural light in home newborn session by Ana Brandt. #newborn   #newbornvideo   #video  #naturallight

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