1. Daryl Richardson says

    EXCELLENT ADVICE 💯💯💯😎😎😎👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

  2. Ganga R Pradhan says

    Atleast show some work instead of screening…. Where is ur pic

  3. Michael Hanrahan says

    Your video is not titled "How I got better at photography" 0:08 it's titled 'Best photography tips for beginners – How I got better'

  4. theguy13 says

    shhh… I think some ones doing the dishes

  5. tskjesusfreak says

    I do landscape photography. So, yeah. I really don't care about people's opinion that much. Right now, I'm doing point, shoot and upload and don't care. Eventually get better. I'm taking my time! Thanks!!!

  6. Jona says

    Eyyy no b-roll bro

  7. Central_NC Chickens says

    Can you do a video of the canon rebel t6 I got one for Christmas and need some tips

  8. devon Lynch says

    I'm having the exact same struggle i've just starting studying photography, we're currently learning about film cameras and how to work a dark room and also digital but there's all these things like aperture/long exposure/ISO and it all confuses me. I feel like everyone in the class is doing good and knows about these things and i'm just lagging behind. I never worked an actual camera in my life only used my phone. Hopefully i'll get better, whatching you're videos have gave me abit of lee way.

  9. nece jackson says

    Inspired! Your truth has show me some light! Thanks! Keep being you! I have my eyes on your channel! Tomorrow I will be purchasing my very first upgrade an I pray this is the start of my new beginning! Nikon D3500*
    Love Always, A New Subscriber From Georgia!

  10. richann johnson says

    very helpful i love watching you

  11. Felipe Santander says

    just wow I can't wait to meet you. looking pretty, nice video

  12. The Falcon says

    Great video, very informative. Another tip, more like a realization, I want to share, is don't go crazy buying presets from photographers before learning the basics. Peter Mckinnon makes it seem
    effortless to make your photos look stunning with his presets because of his skill level. His
    photos look amazing because he already knows what he's doing and his presets just add that
    extra punch. I would advise to first learn the basics, learn how to take a good photo, and then add the presets.

  13. Cordie Stuchell says

    I needed this❤ thank you!

  14. Sophia says

    Can you make an video about your favorite photographers that inspire you the most and inspired you to develop your personal style? ❤️

  15. JAHO R&V says

    Jessica I really love your channel.

  16. Justin Farrar says

    Your definitely one of thee most Entertaining & Informative photographers I've come across on Youtube 😌

  17. Allen A says

    How much experience do you have ?

  18. brent847 says

    I started photography pretty late in my life and iv always had a confidence problem.  I also got a 60D as my first DSLR right around 2010

  19. Laura Roth says

    Its always too early to quit

  20. MMA junkie says

    thanks a lot for sharing! love you!

  21. Sumit Nandan says

    Hii, I'm beginner, is Nikon d5300 is good to buy now? Do it give proper sharp picture?

  22. Esteban Martinez says

    where did you study?

  23. The Mjans says

    You seem a little stressed like all the time. But I honestly can't hate on you cuz it's obvious you are really passionate about what you do and you always trying your best. So gotta give you mad respect for that (Iknow this video is old but I watched p. much all your stuff by now)

  24. Maris Madela says

    I just discovered your channel Jessica and I really love it . Very knowledgeable, inspiring and real. Thank you ! Keep it up .😘📸

  25. jinhan lin says


  26. Rosa Duran says

    What software do you use to edit?

  27. 4evermykids1 says

    Ive been taking pictures for a long time of different things not as a professional here lately I'm trying to turn it into a business .I too have been looking thru videos and reading as much as I can trying to learn.I applauded you,your confidence .It makes me know that in time I'll get there to.Thank you for inspiration

  28. Noor Noor says


  29. Isela Mazelle says

    This is really great. I'm not going to let my anxiety keep me from pursuing my dream of being a photographer. I dream of taking pictures. I wake up with motivation to pick up my camera. I NEED to stop comparing myself to others and be confident in my passion. Thank you for this!

  30. Pink Sparrow says

    I love that you are willing to help your audience grow

  31. ŔÂĐWÂŃ AB says


  32. Living Gabs says

    Your advice has definitely help me grow in photography, I think your work is great!! Thank you😊

  33. Nicole Jones says

    so motivating!!!!

  34. Alejandraufgdhxtd gxgEstrada says

    I have no idea about photography but I love the pictures the backgrounds the skills I’ll learn and I’m ready to start something new in my life! 😁

  35. Hzynzgr ztrk says

    ya senin o konuşmanı yerim yaa

  36. Mr Shahzaib says

    I love you..😍😍😍

  37. Ripped Shoes Productions says

    If you shoot anything above 100 ISO you're gonna get arrested lol. Just kidding, but yea I always tell people don't worry about the outcome. Enjoy the journey. I always have fun taking photos of random everyday things.

  38. i chris says

    You're a sweetheart

  39. Kylee Alanna Marx says

    How old were you when you started photography seriously?

  40. You are amazing and you are my inspiration! Thanks a lot for your videos, they are really helpful !

  41. Sian Melville says

    Thank you SOOOO much! this video has made me feel so much better about my journey towards being a photographer. Ive started "Late" but you know what? Now I feel even more comfortable and super amped to just go go go!

  42. kimkross says

    I love this❤️ I bought my first DSLR yesterday and I can't wait to use it😊

  43. Ace-Kunn says

    thank u I want to do photos for a job and now ur helping me get better thank you

  44. Michelle Smith says

    I was gonna approach my fav local photographer and ask if i can shadow her and maybe eventually be intern for free help for me to learn …do u think this is a good idea. I live in the south and shes a traditional southern lady. Im nervous but soon as my camera n equiptment arrives i want to jump in and give it all i got cuz its the o nly thing in life i feel truly passionate about

  45. Talk Curly To Me says

    I love your work!

  46. Alabaas Fraser says

    I'm so grateful for you, you have no idea 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾

  47. Theddtincmusicp says

    I enjoyed this video, it really motivated me.

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