Avoid Photography Schools – Never Take Photography Lessons!

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– Never take photography lessons? And avoid photography schools?

What the..!?

I personally never really immersed myself into taking photography lessons or going to swanky photography schools. I looked at how others took their shots (especially the masters) and then I got out there and furiously practiced…

I ended up amongst 10 million other people in 30 square kilometers at the Kumbh Mela holy festival in India…

(Only happens once in every 12 years).

And found myself smuggling my camera inside steel walls to photograph massive ships being dismantled piece by piece, on the shores of the Bangladesh oceans… (Batiary ship breaking yards).

Of course, that doesn’t make me an expert… but it sure makes for an interesting lifestyle!

To learn photography skills, I went and explored new lands.

My own photography technique was ‘have camera will travel.’

You can do this too…

If you like the ‘sell photos online’ passive income idea, or have toyed with starting up your own digital photography business, then I would say to you this…

ACT on your dreams!

Go and make it happen…

The world wants to see what you can create…

So then… what’s your next step? Start learning…

  1. uglyd0g says

    Good photographers go to school. The best photographers don't need school because they're motivated to learn on their own.

    The same applies to many artistic fields.

  2. KingKassius says

    @audiofreeq i agree

  3. KingKassius says

    @santed The camera comes with settings so you can use them if you want . You dont have to take every photo in manual . Moving a light around is not very technical either . Photography should be what you want it to be not what others have told you it should be. Everybody can be a photographer if they want . Why not???? Oh yeah because everybody cant move a light around or turn the white balance up or down .

  4. KingKassius says

    it looks like alot of students in here are upset because he didn't take the picture like your teacher said he should. This is his vision and what he has seen . Try looking with an artistic point of view and not a technical eye . If life is not perfect … why would your photograph be perfect ?

  5. KingKassius says

    @Ngushuephoto what about the fact you all go to the same schools and learn the same lessons and shoot the same photgraphy. I think learning on your own may be harder but your photographs will be more from your own vision and not just a teachers point of view or some technical tips and tricks.

  6. The Photo Booth Chick says

    These images in the video is ok… I think going to school and learning the basic will help. Go ahead and learn photography. You can take free class online, read books, or take a course in a school. My job will pay for me to go to school for photography. I need help with lighting and composition.

  7. omar lemus says

    Those pics are quite boring. You have one or two a little interesting.

  8. agun17 says

    Lot's of those photos have overexposed backgrounds…. or at least the video makes it look like they are. And the composition isin't that good.

    You don't need to take photography lessons to take great pictures. But you need to know the basics of composition, light, etc.
    These can easily be learned on the internet. And personally i find it much more entertaining than anything that can happen in a classroom. Apart from the teacher having a seizure and bouncing of the walls to roll on the floor.

  9. Thomas McCaul says

    Because you give a man a hammer does not mean he can build a house.

  10. witenailpolish says

    great video!
    what software did you use to create it?

  11. ronandali says

    The title of this vid, actually makes me relieve a bit. I learn photography in autodidact way, because to get into the photography school will take a big cost. But…I still think, we need the theory to learn about it.

  12. Martin Hurley says

    Thanks I really appreciate that. Your thoughtful comment has inspired me to make more videos and also to tell a story behind each video I create. Thanks so much… Wonderful.

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