10 Steps to Becoming a Professional Photographer & Which Camera To Buy


Here are my 10 steps to becoming a professional photographer and which camera and lenses to buy if you’re beginning!

SNAPCHAT: jessicakobeissi

  1. dontknow -__- says

    4:27 till 6:22 my eyes were bleeding ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. YAHYE sTudios says

    why are you so cute

  3. Italo Zavarella says

    Excellent advice Jessica!!! Basic, down to earth one step at a time approach

  4. flatusmaximus says

    Jessica, are you single and available? ๐Ÿ’—

  5. MT Hayes says

    Specialised lenses are not for beginners. Beginners mostly have no idea what they want to do. The smartest thing to do is get a good quality variable lense. It will take a bit for most to really figure out what their style is. Camera body -thats silly. Nikon D700 is consistently ranked one of he best cameras in the world and you can get it for $2-300 on ebay. The equipment does not make the photographer. Its the hands and the eyes. Use your phone if you feel like it. You can get damn good pics on your phone and learn a lot before you spend money on a camera

  6. Kt Din says

    Great video. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Nick Walcott says

    This was very informative. Thank you very much. I'm a beginner photographer, and I'm excited about my journey. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. asal dhaladda hargeisa says

    How to buy it if u dont have budget๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃโœŠ

  9. wNNdSharK says

    I actually learned "all these things" in three weeks straight, all day, every day, now all I need is money for a decent camera, not the canon powershot a series I have somewhere in the closet…

  10. George Economides says

    Any book recommendations?๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ“š

  11. George Economides says

    Thank you soo much!

  12. insight of samantha says

    wow throwback haha!!

  13. Razz Clash says

    thanks a lottt jessica kobeissi .i enjoyed this video so much.i love ur voice ,i love ur style,i love ur photograppppphy ,i love ur everything.thanks again to help me to choose cannon 6d .love u

  14. Beat By Niquee says

    Hey Iโ€™m in Michigan too

  15. Carolyn Cuevas says

    Thank you so much for this video. So helpful โค๏ธ

  16. Schroooom says

    At the first point. I would suggest beginnners to buy a cheap (maybe used) beginner camera like a6000 or a g70 to get started and then they will see how they are using it and learn what they need. Because most beginners does not even know what they are going to shoot, what brings them fun or even if it brings them any fun at all.

  17. Ali Mellado says

    Hi, Iโ€™m a beginner photographer, do you think I can start with a Canon EOS M50 ? Please help because I donโ€™t know which camera to get

  18. Nikki Davis says

    Is it just me or does she look like Edward from twilight?๐Ÿค”

  19. Leila Grace says

    You are always posting videos that answer my every question! I love your photography and strive to one day be as great as you!

  20. Taylor gauthier says

    My mom would ltrly break my camera if she saw me take a photo of her xD

  21. Phillip Alcorn says

    Hey jessica I am dying to know what is your favorite cereal and what cat do you want to own????

  22. B_R_3_A_N_N_3 says

    is 18-55 inches for lenses good to start off with cause its what i have?

  23. BADGER BANKS says

    This video was so helpful thank you sooooo much check out my paw on Instagram @graphica_shots again thanks

  24. Patrycja W says

    Very informative! Thanks

  25. Aprylโ€™s Page says

    This is a beginner video.

  26. ared18t says

    Did she say 1000 dollars of photography equipment? LoL

  27. Revelart Emit Hacks says

    do you have to have a style in photography i really like taking photos of everything honestly but im a beginner so.. i just want to know more about photography and be good at it so do i have to have a style or theme??

  28. Jaret E says

    Well now I live in California.

  29. Kallie Lopes says

    Would a canon power shot be a good started camera ? Iโ€™m just looking to do fun photos and play around with black n white edits .

  30. Thomas Gutierrez says

    Everybody thinks the US is ugly compared to Europe. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  31. Para Junkie22 says

    thanks for the tips

  32. Erika W says

    So not helpful …just a lot of rambling

  33. Gaลกper Pristovnik says

    In my opinion studio lights are not a bad thing to learn on, because it is a easy way to start understanding how light works. Then you just have to translate the knowledge to the natural light. But for sure, mastering natural light is super important.

  34. Ayesha Shahzad says

    It was helpful

  35. Sho Nel says

    I subscribe๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’ž

  36. Rohit Agarwal says

    put specs friend, you look more professional :p

  37. Chasingwaves says

    ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ Jessica your To funny !! … I love the way you explain things haha ๐Ÿ˜† I feel like your my twin i never had , Weโ€™re both funny goofy people lol ๐Ÿ˜† …. keep up the awesome work and never change ! ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ

  38. I like you so much ……. I won't to be like you

  39. skyler poston says

    Why does my 50mm always look so much tinyer on my camera than when I see them used online? Like the lense physically looks smaller.

  40. Salcaut says

    What kind of external drive do you use, because i have a mac, and I'm trying to find a compatible one.

  41. Mudit Sharma says

    Jessica, you are the sweetest and most talented Photographer I have ever seen, you are highly inspiring. More power to you!

  42. GEE DEL VALLE says

    What lens is the one you're holding?

  43. Kaibil 3 says

    Very helpful

  44. Satish Mehra says

    You are cute and thank you for the useful video.

  45. Paulina Medina says

    I want to do landscape photography but also taking pictures of people do you have a specific camera that will be good for both ?

  46. Martin Ivanov says

    The first lesson for people that want to become a Pro Photographer, if you can't pick your gear alone, you are a a loooong way from becoming a Pro. People still think if they buy a pro camera they are automatically Pros…

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