To Film School or Not To Film School: Crash Course Film Production #14

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Should you go to film school? Great question? But there aren’t necessarily a lot of direct answers. Do you want to go to Hollywood? Do you want to make movies in your spare time? Do you want to learn about world cinema? Do you want to be a director? A cinematographer? An editor? Do you want to pay for tuition? All of these questions can help you figure it out, but today Lily Gladstone will talk us through a few important things to keep in mind when deciding if film school may be right for you!


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  1. Aqua Ave Tv says

    I'm in love with this woman

  2. thedivinezero says

    i'm terrified

  3. TheUmbrellaCorpX7[エヴ] says

    The biggest benefit to going to a film school besides all the knowledge you gain in the subject is actually the people meet, the friends you make, and the connections you build. When your studying in a school where "literally" everyone is passionate about film and is there to learn how to make films, the possibility of gaining experience by making films with friends and like minded people is incredible. Plus you never know that friend you make in college could one day become the next big Director, Actor, or Producer or Writer. And you will be happy you know and are friends with that person.

  4. Jakiro Productions says

    I'm from Philippines and I do really love making film but the problem is there's no film school here.

  5. Janani Bangla says


  6. 8D MUSIC says

    I really want to go to film school.

  7. Kamlesh Kumar says


  8. Muhammad Reber says

    How to make COVER video please⁈ ⚠⚠

  9. 0oTHEJACKo0 says

    1:48 is it just me or do they all look really mean? 😀 they white highlight in the eyes makes it certainly appear so, intended or not…

  10. ARC Fives says

    So you're really not gonna name Steven Spielberg, the greatest director of all time as an example of a director who did not go to film school.

  11. Idan Levy says

    Personally, I had a quite bad experience in film school that made me hate the field. It doesn't mean it will happen to you, but think a lot before deciding to take that path. I do not regret a bit, I have learned so much, but right now, not sure I am going to work in this industry.

  12. Aiden Hale says

    anyone notice how she RARELY blinks

  13. MR. Saunders says

    At 0:34 I’m the next big thing 😂😂😂💀 blueface baby Reference

  14. Cini Man says

    If you want to be great director go to film school or if you want to be a greatest director go to films.

  15. Andorid Andorid says


  16. حبوب الحبوب says

    What if I want to be a doctor and work in films?

  17. Neil Dudeja says

    I’m surprised they didn’t even mention Steven Spielberg. He applied for USC film school and was rejected multiple times. Now look at him, he has a street named after him in USC and an honorary degree!

  18. Sean Collett says

    You should mention College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas. If you want to know what we have done just look up the number of Student Emmy Award winners we have had in the last three years. We do what other film schools won’t!

  19. Maalik Rahim says

    this is dope I like it!!! sub? 🤨

  20. TKaz 10 says

    Im only going to film school to learn video editing is that a bad thing?p

  21. Kpmixez 316 says

    i wanna be a video editor, is this the right choice for me?

  22. John Villante Productions says

    To me I think film school is not worth it…I took a break from film school to start working as a PA. So far I worked on two TV shows shot in New York City. My network in connecting with Key PA's have really payed off. I usually find out what TV/Movie productions are shooting in the NYC area. I usually take trips out to these film sets and ask crew members if the Key PA is around, so I can talk to them about getting work. If you live in either NY or LA I recommend using this method. It's really helpful.

  23. S Wid says

    this woman has a great voice.

  24. CI VILlain says

    This videos is the most helpful video I have ever come across 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿

  25. Jaskeerat Singh says

    thanks it was really helpful

  26. Ashlyn Bradshaw says

    USC film represent! fight on!

  27. Som Juice says

    When that bubble gum popped on the camera, I literally screamed

  28. Quinn Throw Em says

    thank you for making this video. I’m a freshman right now and I’ve always been interested in engineering but after I shadowed an electrical engineer and seeing everything they do everyday it just seems so boring and I’d never want to do that as my career. I want to do something creative and not some cookie cutter type job. I spent hours on hours editing and working on a documentary for this national history day competition and over that time I realized how much I actually love editing and doing gfx. I never really considered doing film because I always thought it was just this extremely exclusive field but after seeing this video explaining he structure of film school I think that’s really what I want to do.

  29. E.R. Naval says

    This is such a great video! 🙌🏼

  30. Natalie Sta. Maria says

    i'm a self-taught editor since my school doesn't focus much on video editing… i really want to study in a film school since fhis is the thing I love, is it gonna be worth it?

  31. Ptrk Hrnk says

    I should have go to film school… now my talent is wasted and there isn't return

  32. Galactro says

    i suggest to join if u can afford, we humans lose motivation and passion really quick and if you are that kind of person like most of the people get in and make friends with like minded people and keep making shorts.

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