1. Sam Rao says

    One of the finest documentaries

  2. Jake Cardenas says

    Name of the song at the beggining??

  3. Christophe vw says

    Awesome documentary. They were all shooting in NYC while the best one was in Chicago walking with her rolleiflex

  4. 5078433 5078433 says

    90% – репортаж, постановочные фото и городской пейзаж. Стрит-фотографу запрещено появляться на любых массовых мероприятиях: митингах, демонстрациях, карнавалах и т.д. Стрит-фотография – это съёмка обычных людей в обычной жизни. Стрит-фотографу нельзя взаимодействовать с объектом съёмки: нельзя спрашивать разрешение на съёмку, нельзя провоцировать любые эмоции. Этот фильм – худшее пособие по стрит-фотографии.

  5. Kimrakimi Scketcher says

    Awesome docu… Very inspiring

  6. canturgan says

    It isn't street photography, it's people photography.

  7. Ahmad Ismaeel says

    One of the best and craziest street photography videos I have ever seen since youtube was made.

  8. Tony Santos says

    who on earth gave this great doco a thumbs down? lunatics!

  9. Norbert Wiesneth says

    Very nice. Check out our open call for Street Photography. Your pics can be shown in Berlin. http://www.PhotoWerkBerlin.com/StreetProjections

  10. Alok Sharma says

    It was street photography on focus but the connection goes well for all. Loved the way documentary related photographers & their subjects over the space of time & approach. Ofcourse no one can say they all thought or shot same ways. Else it would have been quite dull looking. But the colours came through diversity which was well represented in the documentory.

  11. Arnold Goodway says

    Very informative, thanks.

  12. Secret Pyromaniac says

    Fascinating philosophies, particularly candid vs permission. Enjoyed the video.

  13. Shae MacMillan says

    street photography is fascinating. some great philosophies about capturing life inside the image

  14. Freerider says

    45:36 This woman obviously has not learned, and there is a lot of people thinking the same way. It does matter, because wouldn't you say it is all about creation, telling a story, adding value and so on? If you do not care, I know we all know what greed turns into, and you'll end up with tons of photographs, scratching the back of your head. It is all about how much we care at the moment we do hit that shutter button, that will translate into the story being told.
    Less is more. Compete with yourself, or you'll go blind as well.

  15. Carl W says

    Bruce gilden is a complete idiot.

  16. Haozhe XU says

    why do they mostly use Leica?

  17. Steve Dibbs says

    Inspiring street photography, makes me want to go to get to NY & get involved. Beautiful images !

  18. Paweł Kujanek says

    great and inspiring !

  19. aantonic says

    exceptionally good documentary, enjoyed it

  20. Carsten Osterwald says

    …a fantastic documentation !!! Greetings http://www.streetguy.de

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