How to make your photos LOOK BETTER FAST! Photoshop Tutorial


What’s up guys! In this tutorial, I’m going over some techniques to make your photos pop, stand out and generally just look better, fast!

If you are looking for ways to step up your editing game and enter the ring with photoshop – this video is for you.

NEW! Lightroom PRESET PACK: – Edit your photos with 15 brand new presets!

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  1. Glen Donnelly says

    He's such a nice Canadian.

  2. Gerald Jonothan Wolfe says

    Fuuuuuuuuuh I love it when @petermckinnon makes a tut

  3. em dschi says

    What settings in camera do you used on your 5D MIII? The picture style settings

  4. Nodal Ninja Panoramic Gear says

    your favorite location – great tips – thx

  5. MariLynnVlogs says

    Canadian mood

  6. Ankit Rathore says

    I really appreciate your editing please give me a chance to work with you

  7. Ankit Rathore says

    Peter please help me grow up

  8. Ankit Rathore says

    Hey peter i am a photographer i want to work with you to gain some sort of experience i also like contrast in my photos

  9. Michal Hlavatý says

    Absolutely amazing, thanks for it! (y)

  10. Mariana Contreras says

    loved it!

  11. Marios Paparizos says

    am i the only one thinking the before was better? More dramatic.

  12. BH H says

    Thanks Peter, that will be very helpful to my photography work 📸

  13. sha feliciano says

    thank you! big help

  14. Aditya vw says

    I still confuse:(

  15. Carys Jenkins says

    pleaseee mention what the windows shortcuts are:(

  16. Josh Hatchett says

    When you realize you've been doing these things the whole time <3

  17. I'm editing on a PC. What do I do if the "Content Aware Fill" is unavailable? What other options are there?

    UPDATE looks like I figured it out.

  18. Pig Studio's says

    Thank youuu

  19. K KL says

    Sorry last time for some reasons i was thumb down, i watched again after 1 year and changed that. 😢

  20. G-Force Monkeys says

    Thank you for the great video! I learned a lot!

  21. Dave Rose says

    That’s a lot of knowledge! Did you take a course Peter? Were you just self taught?

  22. Cheyenne Hendrix says

    Please make more of these photoshop tutorials, yours are so much better than any other I've seen. Easier to understand for me, not annoying like most.

  23. Alejandro Penner says

    Hey Pete 👋 – 021

  24. Jay Arora says
  25. Eduardo Villegas says

    Awesome! Thank you!!

  26. Sicko Jerry says

    holy crap dude THANKS! – Subscribed

  27. Sidgo254 says

    You look like Jon Snow

  28. Johnny G Magic says

    I could hang out with this dude, I bet you would be a good drinking buddy.

  29. Johnny G Magic says


  30. DJ Shahil Redefined says


  31. Amir Soltany says

    Thanks man the video is so useful

  32. Prince Duties says

    Suck my cock deeeppo

  33. The Duke Of Swat says


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