Can a Professional Photographer spot the difference? $400 Camera VS $4,000.00 Camera


The Music I use: – AMAZING for YouTubers
Colour Graded with my PM LUTS Pack :

My Super Awesome Tactical Camera Bag :
My MAIN Camera –
The Vlog Cam :
My Second Backup Camera –
My FAVOURITE Lens Ever –
The Lens I am currently using right for EVERYTHING –
The Magic Canon Lens of Life –
Best gimbal ever :
The Mic I use –
The Boom Mic I use for Crispy Audio :
My Drone –
My Bigger Drone –
My Tiny Drone –
The stabilizer I use with iPhone :
My Slider –
The BEST monopod –
GoPro HERO 5 –


  1. Peter McKinnon says

    BE HONEST – What were your results? FUN!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Liam says

    I'm excited to start photography

  3. Ali_ReBORN says

    Ugh, only the last one wrong! πŸ˜€

  4. Tyler S says

    What sweatshirt is that? Looks cozy.

  5. Era Herrera says

    Hey Pete! What's up! Watch every videos you have. Why? Cause I really like cinematography and photography. The way you showcase this art style is captivating I think because you are performer before that help's you with your public talk. Just wanna say one thing..hehe I'm alway's applying for a camera man assistant. I even willing to just hold stuff for it for free just to expirience holding a Dlsr camera. Can't afford it. But yep I still rejected. But I'm passionate about this craft and I will never give up. I study photography everyday till now I'm still applying in any photo shop I run in too. And I'm saving a small amount of my money to buy someday a Dlsr camera even a cheap oneπŸ™‚. Just wanna say you keep inspiring a wannabe like me. Someday I will send you my first ever "Broll😁!..thank you!

  6. Alexandru Fiu says


  7. Mitch Whitmer says

    this guy is so freaking cool idk he's just such a bad butt

  8. drowning. says

    I want to eat that mug

  9. NXT Level Maui says

    i wanna know how to do what you did at 8:15 with the lines haha

  10. Anass El Mounjid says

    I have the same camera canon 4000d that's just inspiring and amazing no excuse i will do my best

  11. FuSiOn Born says

    I got them all without cheating

  12. Shihab Shahariar says

    go outdoor ha

  13. Alex Torres says

    200d still rocking

  14. Alex Rene Martin says

    It's all about just getting out there and making the best out of what you have! I had a Nikon D3300 which I loved but upgraded to a (used) Canon 80D purely for the bigger body, additional features and faster auto focus – not to mention the dual pixel auto focus for video. The Nikon was great, but the menus were difficult to access and it wasn't the best in low light. The 80D may not the best camera on the market BUT as a beginner, it's helping me to learn how to crush it! πŸ™Œ

  15. Catherine L. Tully says

    Super fun post. πŸ™‚ Love your stuff.

  16. Davor Ćirković says


  17. bradleat says

    The sharpness of dark edges gave it away for me

  18. Team-Mun Studio says

    Nowadays Phone also can have a very good quality of video and photo, but still I dont think it will surpass the power of real camera…just my 2cents πŸ™

  19. The Immortal Man says

    I’d love the chance for the camera if it’s still available! Love your videos!

  20. Swift Frosty says

    500$ β€œcheap” πŸ˜…πŸ˜

  21. Nick Moore says

    Good lighting > camera equipment. Pretty much any camera is great in good lighting with still images but once you get into low light or start needing good autofocus it starts to fall apart. You definitely don’t wanna take that cheap plastic camera out in the rain either.

  22. Joe O Sullivan says

    A more interesting video would have been: "What a $4,000 camera can do, that a $400 camera can't".
    I mean, no offence, but this is kind of like comparing a Ferrari and a pickup truck, the only test being if they can get you to the shop and back again.

  23. Roman Court says

    Great vid! I’m totally with you…
    I’m a Canon guyβ€”got a couple lensesβ€”looking for a cheap body that shoots video. Suggestions?
    Thanks in advance & keep up the awesome work!!

  24. TZerot0 says

    That feel when you use an xti…

  25. MrVGA says

    I have got a Nikon D80 from 2006 and can take photos with 10MP pretty well! I am a child and don't have a big budget but I can upgrade my gear to a Nikon D3100. You are totally right when you are saying that you can take good photos with old cameras when you know what you are doing!

  26. Dreams On Emulsion says

    just watched the first 30s, and i reply YES. Going to watch the rest now.

  27. Archie dashcam says

    Its all fun and games untill the lights (sun/flash/LED) goes out…. When the high ISO or DR comes in to play.

  28. Rajeev Sathyanath says

    I’m using a canon 200d, and it is AMAZING

  29. Sovirak Ourom says

    😒 It's suck when you got F3.5 Len

  30. In Cibo per il Mondo says

    😱 I have bought that s… camera, new!! For 250 dollars….

  31. Liang Jiang says

    It's easy for cheap cameras when the lighting is good and you don't need long focal length and the subject is not moving wildly.

  32. Kurt Ozan says

    Making me feel good about my Canon 60d purchase!

  33. Medicinal-Meth says

    YO! James coffee!!!!!

  34. crayze_coils_1200 says

    Dude….. ive just found yur channel, and yu have got me so PUMPED… im a newb in this game and am learning so much from your tutorials and all round content….quick question pete, have yu a tutorial or series of tutorials on LR & PS or are they the same thing….. im into product photography amongst landscapes and portraits. would be amazing to see a beginners class maybe monthly to help newbs like me get off the ground. Yur awesome love yur work….. you got me dude……….. !!!!!!

  35. dUbbled says

    could somebody recommend a good budget camera and suitable lens for photo shooting cars? at car shows for example. something that gives a good depth of field maybe? ive always just used my phone but want to step up my game

  36. BdelaCAS says

    oct 2018..hmm, wonder if he gave that camera away yet xD

  37. Angry 8 says

    Stupid subject content. So many factors involved in creating quality images, common knowledge.

  38. Highway Music says

    Can u gift me a canon 700d i love photography but dont have gear please give if u can

  39. Cooper G Farrant says

    I got them all right!

  40. Ryan Stiffler says

    I actually started off shooting on a rebel xt, got some great shots with it, makes you really learn the ins and outs of the camera. plus its really light, pretty sure it and the kit lens weigh less than my 24-105 by itself

  41. Nympho 1 says

    I'm a beginner. Example Photo #1 I dont unederstand if the $400 picture is more clear than the $4K isn't better quality? Or what are we looking for?

  42. kirk gardner says

    Basic photography is the same across the board, people fail to understand that and that's how all the companies make money.

  43. mikah dw says

    What editing program do you use?

  44. Maja Isakszon says

    I use the 1d mk3. 11 years old. Works still amazing.

  45. SwaggieJ says

    Would love the t100! It’s the perfect beginner camera for me and what I want to learn from photography πŸ™‚

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