1. Antti Karppinen says

    Find yourself from the list? What types are missing ? 😀

  2. ONE says

    30 screen shots were taken 😂

  3. Nahomi Gandarilla says

    Film Photographer????……..maybe I didn't see it

  4. Janet Reed says

    Did you have portrait photographer?

  5. It's Ian says

    who else is an abstract photographer?

  6. Kuran Mcqueen says

    i just want to know, what shoes are those? they look awesome!

  7. Norman Pimlott says

    Fuuuuuuuuneeeeeee Hahaha ! Nice one…

  8. Philip Gwilliam says

    Haha. 😂

  9. Jon Parker says

    You could do an entire series of underwater photographers….. The beginner bumbling, The one that lost his camera, floating away, the one who waits for hours for a fish to come out, the one whos fish swims away with his gear, the one that has students that are all over the place and he tries to communicate with hand signals for hours before giving up and just taking the picture, the one who has to anticipate the angle, frame and manuever into position to get just the right shot, the one with cameras strapped on all over his gear so he looks like a satellite, oh the list goes on and on. For the record your video was great! It had me laughing as I saw me in way too many of the categories. Keep up the great work.

  10. Robert Koeyers says

    Funny and nice to see .. I've done all of them

  11. Reginald Ganious says

    That damn landscape photographer is Finessin hard af lmao

  12. Madhu K says

    Kids photographer llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  13. eric quemere says

    Streets and landscape

  14. John Kazas says

    Absolutely Fabulous but you forgot the most hilarious. The BIG tablet photographer !!!

  15. captain skeptical says

    lame presentation…put some steam into it laddy!

  16. Liam D says

    Club photographer

  17. Deanna Szuter says

    Wildlife Photographer?

  18. Míguel Núñez Acera says

    travell photographer? 😀

  19. Douglas Walkey says

    Delightfully funny, accurate and charming. Well done Antti

  20. ACID SNOW says

    this video is amazing!
    had a good laugh!
    thanks for sharing this
    really enjoyed watching this

  21. Jane Allan says

    Nailed it! 30 times. I'm still chuckling.

  22. Dániel Pfeiffer says

    boring af

  23. Lenka Smetanová says

    horse photographer is missing

  24. Jeni Wolf says

    Great video. I would have loved to see you do different outfits/costumes to go with it!

  25. Eduardo de Regules says

    ☺️ 👍

  26. Mihael Tominšek says

    Product photographer

  27. Irene Searles says

    fun. fun. fun. thanks.

  28. Dangerous One says

    No war photographers?

  29. Andre Tampubolon says

    LOL @ medium format photographer :p

  30. Beatrycze says

    Haha, great vid 😀 Greetings from concert photographer 😀

  31. Timothy Osborne says

    Needed a crime scene photographer. 😛

  32. CHOWiX says

    The Drone must wave the hand 🤚 first hahaha 😂 your video is Awesome 👏🏼

  33. Nick Buckner says

    Beginning Photographer: *uses EVF

  34. Doug Budd says

    Love this. It is one of the best videos that I have seen in a long time. Many hit way too close to home. 🙂

  35. Doug Mungavin says

    you forgot underwater photographers!

  36. George Su says

    What? No Real Estate Photographers? lol

  37. Zsolt Kovács says

    Hyperlaps photographer

  38. Diogo Pereira says

    haha landscape photographer right here xD Don't forget the dirty knees from all the kneeling and crouching to get the shot! 😀

  39. Maximilian Otto says

    Hilarious! 😀

  40. Anesh Magan says

    loving it

  41. Peter Franken says

    How about: downhill gopro filmer/photographer? Or the ‘using too much flash’ photographer? Or the ‘old school daguerotyper? Great video Antii !!

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