how to take better photos in boring locations


In this video I show you how to turn boring locations into some amazing photos.


Thank you Liam for helping with the title!



  1. Elsye J says

    THANK YOU for making this video! I live in Bowling Green OH and it is SO boring and difficult to shoot here!

  2. Munerah M says

    Thanks J.

  3. Robert Hernandez says

    You're fine

  4. itsRadioBiz says

    So helpful! Thank you

  5. C Shelby says

    The models are soooooooo gorgeous. Black girl magic for real!

  6. hiroiageta says

    absolutely agreed with this statement
    "sometimes you don't need a nice location to get great picture"
    BUT this the fact..
    "TO GET GREAT picture, you must HAVE a GOOD MODEL..
    at least that model must have a good looking. i said at least.
    pro photographer like jess/brandon/irene, ALWAYS have a GOOD MODEL for photoshoots.. even they are always have pro model for photoshoots.

    suggest for the next video, how if you share for us, how to get a good model?
    especially for beginner photographer who start to make they portfolio with great picture to show off
    because for beginner, mostly they are not have confident enaugh to contact the model agency or contact the model directly even they don't have a sister or friends to take photoshoot..
    what's the solution for that?

  7. Andres Rodriguez says

    Hi! We’re all these shots naturally lit? Or was there external flash?

  8. Moj Ruzicasti Svet says

    This was my main problem now when it's winter… it's so cold outside, and my flat is so small, I do not have even a one free corner for photography. And as a biginner I can not just go at some public bar of else.. but this video just inspired me to make some new photos using my flat and things that I have inside 😁 thank you for motivation 😊

  9. Samira Aktar says

    I’m a beginner. What lense is good for portraits and candid photography?

  10. Samira Aktar says

    I’m a beginner. What lense is good for portraits and candid photography?

  11. Whitney Rhea says

    Every time you say "Hi guys Jessica Kobeissi here" The captions ruin your last name. I've seen "Jessica Bassey" and Jessica Ace" etc… I'm so dead oml 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. MFear_ says

    Hi Jessica! Do you shoot on a flat profile so that you can tweak better in Lightroom?

  13. Andy Taveras says

    excellent work

  14. Reflection noitcelfeR says

    now please do what if you're friends don't know how to shoot 😂 (don't tell me find a new one pls)

  15. Mauricio ayala says

    "Boring places" girl please

  16. Dingie Mzila says

    I want to start photography but not sure what camera to start with was thinking canon eos 6d mark ii but not sure if that’s a lot for a beginner money isn’t issue want to take high quality pictures is the quality determined by both camera and editing?

  17. CuriousGeorge says

    Is there another alternative for the lens the lens is about $1200

  18. Covers by Lauren says

    Pictures of me modeling next to dumpsters is my aesthetic

  19. Christine Caballes says

    Jessica, can i request a video of you taking photos using your phone camera?

  20. The Pogi says

    New subscriber 😍

  21. Whitney Cash says

    I know the pain! Southeast Michigan resident! 😀

  22. william martinez says

    Do you pay permits to take pictures in public areas? In Miami i cannot take pictures of models or clients in public parks without a permit. This is really discouraging because as a photographer i do not make a whole lot to be paying the county money to take pictures on places that are funded with tax payers money like myself.

  23. U X says

    That places are not nearly ugly as my town.

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