How to become a professional photographer & get noticed!

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I was recently interviewed about my thoughts on running a professional photography business. If your camera and knowledge are tools for making you money, this video should be very helpful!

What’s the problem with lots of the photography and marketing training out there nowadays?
What’s the most important requirement to making it as a professional photographer?
How can a photographer become good enough to make it as a professional?
Is social media all it’s cracked up to be?
How do you attract followers and bring in business?
In an online world, are printed brochures a waste of money in building a photography business?
What websites are best for professional photographers and how much should they spend?
What is the key to winning business as a pro-photographer?
How to make money from stock libraries?
How can you promote a photography business?

I answer all these questions and more so hopefully there is something for everyone!


For more detailed information on this subject and to learn how price your work, market yourself properly and gain more clients please see our course on ‘The Business of Photography’ here;

See my own work here:
Learn more about Photography with Karl Taylor…


Don’t miss the next LIVE online photography workshop:

  1. salem forografy says

    Karl, i admire and respect you a lot , i’ve learnt a lot from your free stuff and from th dvd courses i bought a while back… i think you’re one of the best photographers i. the world, i liked specifically your models shooting session wheich i don’t see a lot of those on your instagram…but, if i may, why are you so tough, harsh and negative at times? the rants and the negative view points of other photographers is strange coming from someone up there on the top f his game… i really liked you more when you showed your kindness and super sense of humor, like how we saw u on the iceland shoot… please don’t take this the wrong way, you’ll always be my number one tutor 🙂

  2. Allan Menard says

    I am not a great photographer (yet). But I learn something new everyday. And one thing I have learned is that to make it in photography these days, you have to diversify. Take GREAT shots, Edit amazingly, Video, Teach, Make Youtube tutorials/editorials. Multi stream your income.

  3. MUTEX says

    Karl, i cant access your website i would really like to learn from you!

  4. Pixinity says

    Karl is super legit. There is a lot BS photographer out there.

  5. John Georgiou says

    The problem is there is just so many photographers.. and so many advertisements out there that try to cheat people into buying more cameras, gear, and other photographers that the only way they can make more money is to sell tutorial videos, apps, programs, etc.. im not offending the person in this video.. hes honest, i like hes work.. this is just for beginners to reconsider

  6. James Lemmo says

    Easy for you to say while you sit in front of a light that costs $7000.00 plus! You need money to start! Do not start on a shoestring budget, you will only produce shoestring budget photos.

  7. Donna Marie says

    It has taken me almost 10 years to realise that I needed to change my kit lenses and i found that practicing and experimenting between shoots helped a lot Now I just need to perfect and decide what kind of photography I want to do I know where I excel but theres not a lot of money in the field I love working in so now I do Portraits and Commercial Advertising and I quite enjoy it

  8. c7aus says

    Quite a long teaser, bla bla bla, thx …. – who is "we" ?!?

  9. Dubai Photographer - Tiana says

    The most important and valuable thing is and always was and always will be CONNECTIONS and COMMUNICATION and ability to sell your service. Without this no mater how good your work is you won't get clients. Deal with it

  10. airscrew1 says

    Photography is a saturated market. You will have to be very good to succeed. The job has been made so much easier since the advent of digital.

  11. Jesse M. says

    Well said! Social media won't make you a better photographer! finally somebody said the truth…to all the keyboard heroes out there

  12. Bryan Roschetzky says

    Roschetzky Photography – “is my work good enough?”

  13. Bryan Roschetzky says

    So good

  14. linsey krzykala says

    WOW I just went on your website and its incredible.

  15. Erik De Wilde says

    Top inteview, very interesting! My first lesson about photography was from Karel Tylor, that was 7 years ago. I learned a lot from those dvd’s they were prefectly done and gave me the start I needed for my photography. Seven years later I feel much comfortable about my photography and learned a lot more from many courses, differerent photogravers and shooting a lot with the usual mistakes. But the Karel Taylor courses I will never forget , they are just top! Greetings from Dubai. Erik.

  16. Jakob Bourne says

    You can try utilizing other methods such as influencer marketing via phlanx to raise your presence, it can be quite effective when you use reliable platforms for it

  17. Jackie Cali says

    So glad that I came across your video! I’ve been getting a lot of info from several different photographers, but your info has answered most of my questions all summed up into 1 video. I’m excited to watch the rest of your videos! Thank you Karl🤗

  18. Peter Tan says

    Is there anyone asking you question? Any interviewer?

  19. Kirk Kinnell says

    Hells Bells….This is honest as hell….LOL. Well got work to do.

  20. Gregory LaGrange says

    Hopefully you're still answering to some comments on this video. I see by you bio on your website that you started out in photojournalism. Could you say a little bit about that transition from photojournalism to the other areas of photography that you started out with. The eye or skill that makes great photographs for photojournalism carries over to other typical categories of photography. But I've found that it's often dismissed as not doing that. For example, fashion or beauty depends heavily on the subject. The model looking like a model. Wardrobe being provided along with hair and makeup. Those are a given to be visually appealing, so you see a lot of it done with those element either shot with a soft box or just standing in front of the camera. Photojournalism you're not having people who look like models, but you are using key moments, use of lines, background elements working with foreground elements, etc.. often done without a chance to retake or pose a subject.
    Was there anything you needed to do, like make a drastic change to a portfolio because it came from photojournalism work, or maybe when you first stated showing your portfolios that contained you work from photojournalism, you had to convince some early clients that you could do other areas of photography. Hypothetically, like telling them do base the work on whether the subject looks like they could be a fashion model.Look at the image value of the photos. Hope this all makes sense.

  21. RCMJC says

    Karl Taylor – is my work good enough? please critique instagram: @raycphoto TIA

  22. Mark Hopkins Photo says

    Interesting. There seems to be a lot of people, including photographers, selling "How to get business" programs.

  23. Mike Warville says

    Love the ending by Mr. Taylor :-)))))

  24. Randall Burgess says

    Karl, I am a 65 year old and a recent grad from film school. While I learned a great deal, so much of becoming great at it is going out there and doing it. I have no pension, and no family to help support me in years ahead. So I have to make a success out of this new career.
    I dont have 20 years to develop skills so I need help from someone who does know what they are doing and is willing to help someone else grow. I continue to take on every opportunity to video docs, weddings, commercials I can get to gain and learn from others.
    Sadly, none are paying and I understand the issue of the value I bring to a shoot, at some point here I have to make a living somehow.
    How does one go about starting out in regards to getting paid and finding clients that are willing to pay when you are just starting out and have no past client base to list and show reels from.

  25. Blonde Bobbi says

    Thank you Karl Taylor. It is wonderful that you offer this to us.

  26. Thomas Lindenthal says

    Well, I'm lucky again, I just take pictures for fun.
    and also no money making,  because that's my hobby. and there is a nice saying make your hobby to profession and it is no longer a hobby, and the fun is gone.

  27. George Stone says

    100% true. Look at Flickr, FB pages, Instagram, etc. It's a mutual admiration society. People with mediocre work so desperate for likes as tho they were getting paid by the like.

  28. Talking Togs says

    Interesting and direct answers to questions. Refreshing.

  29. LilLion1818 says

    Really like this vid!

  30. Mo Bk says

    When I grab my gear and go out to get some pictures I feel like I don't know my self because of the planet that I live in,
    Some times i shoot street life, portraits, sometimes I set with no work to do I shoot any thing, landscape, seascape, events.
    and I have a hard place to deal with I'm in Syria and there are many forbidden things because of the war photographing outdoors is one of them.
    and we can't use a credit card to do online shopping and selling .
    How can i feel like I'm in the mode if I can't make money at the place I'm in?!
    should I delete all my accounts and start fresh ?!
    because I graduated in 2012 and I find it too hard to achieve what I want since then, 60% of Syrians have become photographers LOL.

    These are my untidy accounts .
    please help me and give me some advices .

    Instagram @mBakeerPhotography

  31. Pieter H says

    Awesome work on your website!!!

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