10 CHEAP accessories every photographer SHOULD have


These are my top 10 accessories that I believe every photographer should own. If you’re considering taking photography seriously, these affordable add ons can really help you along the way!

All Items in video:

1. Stylish Camera bag:
2. Batteries: Depends on your camera
3. Battery Grip: Same with this
4. Camera Cleaning Kit:
5. Memory Card Case:
6. Ball Tripod:
8. Presets: www.lanternpresets.com/purchase
9. Rugged Hard Drive:
10. Car Charger:

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My Camera Gear!

My Camera:
Wide Angle Lens:
Lav mic:
Shotgun mic:
Memory cards:
Ball Tripod:
Big Tripod:
Stylish Camera bag:

  1. Dean Rojas says

    P.S. every time I say horizontal I mean vertical 😛

  2. YoSpiff says

    Instead of a power converter for the car, I suggest a slim battery charger that uses a micro USB cable. I can charge my batteries in the car, the hotel room, or on the go from a powerbank. Most of them are $10-20 online.

  3. Nirvana fan says

    You technically dont need a memory card holder if have camera bag. Most bags have one already installed in the bag

  4. Kevin Nair says

    6:17 that socket looks sad

  5. Voyager Uno says

    Saying that UV filters don't affect image quality is plain wrong. Every additional glass that you put in front of the lens does. If you want to protect the front element use them but at least look for the better ones.

  6. Jaden Gyenes says

    Watch my latest video and subscribe, i am trying to hit 100 subs by the end of the month, ps I subbed to yours

  7. pvcollectives says

    How often do you post?

  8. The Comment says

    You seem like a cool guy. Don’t know why people hating

  9. shomidavlogs says

    Hwy you play kendama?

  10. David Dablo says

    But my memory card holder is my camera… I only have one.

  11. Miley onDisney says

    3 things you SHOULD have – go back to school- it's vertical, not horizontal; quit being fake and pretentious; quit being such a flaming gay.

  12. madcat2709 says

    Please stop confusing vertical and horizontal. My autism makes me go mental on that one ^^

  13. Keanu Lee says

    Go subscribe to me n I'll do the same and make a video about one of your video on your channel… Tell me your name after you subscribe

  14. Eduardo Ramirez Jr says

    Car AC Adapter saved me sooo many times.

  15. Thomas Johansson says

    This video was just a bunch of bad advice.

  16. Yakuza says

    Better of getting some memory than some shit show UV filter.. on any lens basically

  17. Andy Willis Andy says

    does everything about accessories stop at "looks cool, let's be honest" for you?
    or at the promotion thingy?

    the external hard drive is worth it as long as your workflow AND capacity to generate cash depend on your photography work. not to mention that it also depends a lot on the fact that you may be a simple studio photographer. take shots here, deal with them at home and so on.
    it's really just up to the task.

    also, a good qulity,semi-expensive,sturdy tripod will outrun the ball head any time. it s all about how much you invest in your gear and if it's worth it.

    and the list would go on, but i really see no point in explaining all of these to you, as you won't change your perspective any time soon.

  18. zackstud09 says

    Most tripods turn horizontal.
    And using a UV filter as protection is just putting cheap glass over very expensive glass on your lense. Use a lens hood to stop you from catching the lens.

  19. Balca Balabaner says


    Great video! Tried to buy your presets but is not working for some reason.

  20. Ananya Digital says

    Thankx for u help bro…. My name Nick And i am from India

  21. jurassicjunkie says

    FYI, update your preset link to include http:// as the link isn't a hyperlink on mobile and you can't copy and paste on mobile app, so I can't visit the site.

  22. Daniel Rojas says

    Another Rojas!!

  23. SulaimanBasal says

    I enjoyed your video it’s amazing , and I love your sense of humour!!!!!! Keep up the good work , wanna see more !!!

  24. michael s says

    Different things for different people..NOw if you paid attention,he CLEARLY said it's HIS choices and not the only ones.He also said the list was the LEAST you should have,so obviously,knowing those two facts,you take the choices or you dont.I just bought another camera and went into the full frame world,and when I was ordering it,the rep told me to get batteries,the UV filter,2 high capacity/speed cards,etc,etc..I am going to get the car charger since it's versatile,a tripod with a ball head,another strap and a grip..Yeah,the grip comes in handy if you have a heavy body and dont want it hanging from your shoulders all the time.You can get a clip,remove the camera,and with the grip on,NEVER risk dropping it,or having someone knocking it out of your hand in a crowd.What's a 'good' UV filter?At the price point,most of them serve the same purpose,and protect the lens from smudges,etc…Now other filters,like density filters ARE different….https://www.dpreview.com/articles/8049091537/the-uv-filter

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