How to use PortraitStudio (Version 0.5)


PortraitStudio will be on sale starting October 1st at almost 50% off!

Set up guide:

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  1. D D says

    So what would be the advantage of buying this program over the free Daz 3d program?

  2. chariots8x says

    Do you think you might make Portrait Studio available on the iPad Pro someday?

  3. Christopher Kornosky says

    No regrets buying this. This is so incredibly good for all sorts of work. As a student with limited time this helps a ton. I'm almost positive that at some point the program will get to a level that'll make it a mainstream software.

  4. emmanuell89 says

    Can you edit the models ? make the bust bigger, arms legs shorter / longer etc etc ?

  5. Luis Felipe says

    Im thinking about buying the app but I have two questions before I can make a decision: can you add your own models into the app? and can you export the posed models to be used on a different application?

  6. DRAW WITH ME! says

    Is this normal? My Installation is runnin' now 2 hour, still not fully installed(1/4 maybe) …. ? And my connection is good.
    Nvm. It goes faster now, mb it installed the main-data and that's why it needs so long. Thx.

  7. StolenSoul94 says

    I bought the program yesterday with my last December-money and … I'm so in love with it! Thank you very much for your hard work 🙂 You did such a great job!

    Since I am used to a few 3D programs, I found the controls quite easy, and I am so glad that I don't have to make my own models for the same purpose anymore… (Since Maya was laggy as hell for me and it took me weeks to prepare a reference image… Just had some difficulties with setting it up (it didn't give me any error messages, just nothing happend when Portrait Studio was loaded) – but I fixed it 🙂 Already built the scene for my newest artwork 😀

    I do like, that you can open and close all the menues so easily, it would be great though, if you could arrange them freely (maybe in a setting-up mode) to fit personal workflow 🙂
    I hope the Undo-Function will come soon, it would be pretty helpful 😀

  8. LAOK242 says

    Hey, I have a question about the download limit. I bought PS trough Selly and nowhere along the way or on PS's page was it mentioned that there is a limit of 5 downloads unless its connected to a(paid) Selly account. So is there any way, should I ran out of downloads, to contact you and get set up with some other way of getting a downlaod link?

    Its fine for now, but it'd be a real shame if somewhere down the line I would get access to a product I bought locked behind a paywall.

  9. Is it supposed to take an eternity to setup? It has been over two hours now and the bar is not even at 30%.

  10. Axonnek says

    I just got the program, without this video i didnt even know how to rotate a joint. The program itself is great and offers A LOT! Great tool, however, the learning curve is high mainly because the UI is unintuitive and takes a while to get used to. After spending hours it becomes a great experience though!

    EDIT: Some feedback as well. The program installs ~40MB into the specified directory. It would be nice if the models and remainder of files (Over 3GB) got installed into the same folder instead of %appdata%/local which is on the system drive (often with more limited space!)

    Another thing is, when i installed the program I was thinking that it crashed and is not responsive, stuck at loading or something. But instead it was downloading that 3GB i mentioned, i only knew that after i noticed the bar half-way done. Put a small white text above the bars "Installing / Downloading (x.xGB/x.xGB)" so that the end user has some indication of what is going on.

    As you mentioned, get that CTRL+Z working! Also history window maybe? like the one in photoshop that captures last 50 states by default.

    As a developer, I must say the user experience needs the most work here. There's a lot more things but i think this is the main thing that surprised me the most when first launching the program. I hope this little bit of feedback helps in the future improvements! Great progress.

  11. Tydin says

    What program?

  12. Sara Esposito says

    Not sure if I can ask this here, but I'm interested in buying Portrait Studio and I was wondering, in case I'd have to change my computer after the purchase, if it'll be possible for me to transfer the program from a computer to another or if I'll have to purchase it again. Thank you.

  13. Stina E. says

    I am quite new with the program so I guess it could be a practise issue, but I find it quite hard to use the camera. I have to move around so much and click so many buttons to get a simple still rotation of my scene. I wish it was just a simple on-screen feature.

  14. GhostDave says

    this program would be a lot more useful if the bust model had joints to rotate the head and not just the entire bust. But if you use the full body model you can't change the facial features. Facepalm

  15. Yumenoki says

    12:51 I still don't know how to rotate joints like you do here, just clicking on them gives me the xyz-axis arrows like in 12:49 🙈

  16. DanBeu says

    I finally got my portrait studio, Its so weird to not have a ctrt z though, other than that, im really excited about it. Is there a way to change the screenshot directory? sents it straight to desktop

  17. The Legend27 says

    how did you get that option in lighting for changing the shape of the light for example for spotlight etc :O I dont seem to have it ;/

  18. Blackram Art says

    Thanks for showing this~ keep up the amazing updates!

  19. Deltazz says

    Oh I'm so looking forward to the mac version! c:

  20. Twisted Well says

    Very cool!!!

  21. Shea Butter says


  22. Da Tip Of Art says

    If I buy portrait studio now will I have to purchase it again for mobile?

  23. Arina says

    Wooow! Thank you, guys, so much!

  24. That boy Who draws says

    oh mai gawd der will be a mobile version!!! i’m freaking out

  25. Lilly Rocha says

    Thank you for all your hard work! PS is a godsend.
    I sent you an issue on the form submission with a photo some days ago, PS is starting without any text or models, only squares and rectangles.
    What am I supposed to do?
    Thanks in advance!

  26. Tiktaalik says

    Is my program supposed to auto-update? I see no update changes

  27. Sureshiainde says

    I hope ill get used to options in this program after a while! ATM i have to think hard to remember what does what : D. I love itso much though! Thank you forthevide it sure is helpful!

  28. Tom Robinson says

    Very excited for the Mac version

  29. eiwaMovies says

    Did reinstall all, used all tips you gave… still getting error "mono not found" v.v

  30. KritzelPixel says

    Thank you for your hard work! :3

    PS.: I always have problems after instalation, I just have to press that update button again and again and after several "updates" it is working. 😀

  31. artiew87 says

    MakeHuman + Blender? Adobe CC Fuse?

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