Can Photography End Child Labor?

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In 1916, photographer Lewis Wickes Hine helped put a stop to child labor in America by documenting young children in the workforce. See how photographers today are trying to do the same in Bangladesh and beyond.

This weekly storytelling series uses the imagery of photographers and adventurers around the world to give us a deeper connection to and understanding of the human condition.

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  1. veipunii lana says

    Know I want to become photography

  2. Alexander Stevens says


  3. Loup says

    Je cuisine du lapin level 32

  4. Fenando Castañon Manrriquez says

    Crueldad sin sentimientos hacia los niños de los que tienen hambre hacia el dinero .

  5. Fenando Castañon Manrriquez says

    Cuanta crueldad sin sentimientos de los que tienen hambre hacia el dinero sobre los niños.

  6. Diana Snow says

    Totally disgusting.

  7. gt0sold1er says

    Child labor is awful. Do you know what is more awful? Starving to death. And that's exactly what happened when western countries put pressure on Bangladesh to ban child labor. These kids don't have evil parents who are forcing them to work. Poor countries like Bangladesh don't yet have the capital goods that would enable them to be productive to the point where the children don't have to work.

  8. Yến Hải says

    Best channel perspective

  9. no wavvez says

    developed nations like the us lol

  10. Luyang Che says

    Nice composition and awesome photographs, but some may not realise that there are worse implications to ending child labour.Child labour helps support families in the poorer countries and help to ensure they don't die of starvation. It is right to impose measures to ensure that child have a better working condition, so at least they wont put themselves in danger, and also a better pay, though not up to adult pay, or no companies would want to hire them, but ending child labour? That's not exactly a really good idea, in the long run.

  11. Freedom Tryggve says

    If journalists were required to study anthropology and ethics then be licensed by the university, there might be much more in-depth and insightful stories.

  12. afdal baker says

    a photo is not just a click , but which tells thousand stories…

  13. Ryan Nigro says

    For these children sake I hope that photography doesn't ever end child labor. Please, tell me what you propose as these kids alternatives to child labor, starvation, death, prostitution? Child Labor is hope in an otherwise hopeless world for these children

  14. mxfighter69 says

    I'm sure the kids can't wait to lose their source of food, idiots

  15. gasmanoo says

    Recruiters looking for 20 year olds with 10 years of job expirience, wow these guys might actually qualify to those shitty requirements…

  16. Derrick Bey says

    Great question toward finding a solution

  17. Charlie Nicholls says

    No it can't end child labour, the world isn't a liberal arts college campus for crying out loud.

  18. Joseph Ducharme says

    Children have it too easy these days, we should make them work (especially in the coal mines)

  19. Joseph Ducharme says

    Children have it too easy these days, we should make them work (especially in the coal mines)

  20. lugang wang says

    People complain and criticize everyday without the solution. When the solution come out, they continue to complain. China model is the only approach to reduce poverty effectively. But all developing countries still keep struggling on west" human right" and " free speech" propaganda. Developing countries get poorer and poorer, developed countries get richer and richer.

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