10 Shockingly Awkward Family Photos

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Nothing is more cringe worthy than bringing out the family photo albums. From having to face your dreaded fashion choices, to questioning your mom and dad’s parenting skills, things can get awkward pretty quickly.

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Have you ever looked back on family photos and asked yourself “What were we thinking?” It’s true hindsight is 20/20, but unfortunately for these families, their awkward family photos are on the Internet for everyone to see. There is no hiding from these 10 shockingly awkward family photos.

Everyone knows you should never mix business with pleasure, and on the same note, you should never mix family gatherings with being naked. The fact that we even have to put that in a sentence is pretty disturbing. It’s a pretty good rule of thumb that pictures with your family should include clothing. These aren’t clothing optional situations, but that didn’t stop these families. For some reason they thought it would be a good idea to gather their family members, get naked, and take pictures to prove it. From displaying the family’s great taste in underwear, to totally bearing it all for the camera, these families put the EW in “it’s time to find a new family”.

Even if everyone did decide to wear clothing, that doesn’t mean certain family members kept their hands to themselves. You would think being related to someone means you are in hands off territory, but sometimes we aren’t that lucky. From creepy uncles to senile grandmas, getting too close in a family photo can get a little strange when hands start to wander. Most of the time is can be a simple slip, but when hands are blatantly placed in questionable areas, then people start to question just how close these families are. Like this one son who decided to give his mother a hand bra when they posed for a quick snap. Or, this bad grandpa who most likely grossed his family out when he displayed his affection for his hot piece of grandma.

Even if you are able to escape your family’s wandering hands, and public displays of affection, one thing almost no one was able to escape from is the dreaded theme family photo. If you had an overbearing mother who just loved to put on a front and make your family seem “normal” chances are you were a victim of this awkward family moment. For some reason these families just love dressing up like one another no matter how ridiculous the outfits are. From weird pajamas to creepy costumes that leave little to the imagination, these photos are sure to be used as blackmail in the future. When planning to get everyone together for a photo, it’s best to just let everyone be themselves, and save the themes for Halloween, or parties.

When moms aren’t forcing their husbands and kids to play dress up together, they are busy making the day all about themselves. Of course mothers need some pampering, and sometimes getting glamorous for a photo shoot can do just the trick. Most of the time family photos are supposed to highlight the family members equally, but these moms stole the spotlight. This mom forced her sons to hold her during her glamour shoot, and another dressed her kids up as jazz dancers so she could feature her incredible jazz legs. With all the effort these moms take into making their family photos about themselves, it makes us wonder why they don’t just plan their own photo shoot and leave the kids out of it.

Did your family take part in family photo themes, or did you have a family member that got a little to close for comfort in a family photo? React in the comment section below, and don’t forget to subscribe to “The Things” on YouTube!
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