1. Jack byrd says

    Very interesting story very beautiful pictures and a great story loved loved it

  2. B says

    And at the end there was another beginning

  3. Gary Norris says

    Wonderful! What a great talent.

  4. Tim Robertson says

    Bring back the rolleiflex! Unobtrusive and those low angles? Pretty much defines her style.

  5. Patrice boudot-lamot says

    Van Gogh

  6. Joseph O'Malley says

    Spoilt by the bullshit narration.

  7. Peter Toone says

    She is my inspiration. Well done.

  8. Karen Roberts says

    Wonderful depiction of a lady who took wonderful photos. This video is very well done, I really enjoyed it.

  9. Damaris Tighe says

    hi, love Maier – what is the soundtrack music.
    does the voiceover contain any of maier's words or…

  10. Ve Vee says

    Beautifully told

  11. Michael Terry says

    This long narrative is little more than loads assumptions of the opinions of Vivian Maier that were probably derived from looking at her photographs.

  12. technoalah says

    Great job

  13. Ella Rose says

    I love photography

  14. Philip Hayfield says

    The only thing I can hear is Vivian Maier spinning in her grave.

  15. Melissa Rosario says

    she had a French accent

  16. Nicky Nunn says

    Hate that they are putting words into her mouth, they may be misrepresenting her.The story and the photos are interesting enough without the presumption of how she thought and spoke.

  17. myblueandme says

    Old woman who is speaking is loud. remember subject is art here but she is too loud! didnt watch it after 5 min

  18. John K Lindgren says

    Hey Goldstein & Vogel. Your 'scripted, fictionalized' narrative SUCKS! Bangkok-Johnnie http://www.pattayatoday – newspaper published in Thailand

  19. Raychristofer says

    This is extremely well done perfect job. Respect

  20. Paola Xio says

    Awesome video Thank you share

  21. Claudio Brandy says

    Beautiful short and beautiful pictures. Vivian Maier, alive in her art. Thanks!

  22. Yves Foucart says

    Why can I no longer cast this documentary as I still could do yesterday ? Using Chromecast btw .

  23. ciro lucca says

    Whats the Music,at the Beginning???? thanks!

  24. Doris Taylor says

    Love Vivian Maier, she was very bold in how she approached her subjects, I mean she as street photographer.

  25. Ralf Arndt says

    Eine sehr beeindruckende Zusammenfassung von Fotos, die mich sehr inspirieren …

  26. FotoVogue says

    Hats Off ViVian Maier

  27. Doris Taylor says

    love Vivian's style….

  28. Happy Positive says

    Erik Satie – Gnossienne 1

  29. hoastbeef says

    dont u think its a problem that she never showed her work when she was alive? when it comes to being an "artist," i think u have to put urself out there to be judged and scrutinized for ur work. its like being a boxer who never steps in the ring and only hits the heavy bag. without stepping in a ring and actually fighting an opponent, r u really a boxer? i think Vivian has some great photos, but it bother me that she didnt believe in herself to put her work out and was only "discovered" after she passed.

  30. Michael Sears says

    this video would be a lot better if it was just the music and photos

  31. Humbert Fernandez says

    An eloquent short.  Thank you…

  32. Ganesha Vallejo says

    What is the name of the song?

  33. Patri Pacheco says

    como puedo traducir esto por favor??

  34. Johnny Kesley says

    Exemplo de fotografa aqui no Brasil. Thanks Vivian Maier for your talent, now i see a world different. A world photographic.

  35. Alberto Pérez Puyal says

    Extraordinary woman, extraordinary life and pictures. Photography in its purest way. Thanks for sharing.

  36. helena vianna says

    Amazing Video ! Great and very talented woman.

  37. darlene trujillo says

    Thank you John Maloof, you have done a marvelous job of bringing Vivian Maier to life. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know about Vivian or her work. Your tireless work is appreciated.

  38. Matteo Prezioso says

    Great photos, worst voice over ever.

  39. Marta Fernandes says


  40. WeLoveEasonChan says

    Her official date of death is April 21st 2009
    And the credit of this video gave no recognition to John Maloof whatsoever.

  41. Bobby Collins says

    'two of us who don't know who I am'…

  42. R.D. P. says

    rolleiflex 1928 to sell..

  43. Eric F says

    Excellent !

  44. exitcheese says

    She was the real deal, like Van Gogh, prolific, uncertain, total genius, not seeking fame, but the need to create art, major kudos to John Maloof for uncovering her hidden treasure of the human experience, and to whom put this slideshow together, bloody fantastic!

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