Portrait Retouching Tip: Fix Shiny Skin in Photoshop & Lightroom


Shine is great on silver and gold but not so much on your portrait subjects face. It is not too difficult to fix oily skin in Photoshop. Stay tuned and I’ll show you a super quick retouching tip to eliminate shiny skin or oily skin in both Photoshop and Lightroom.

It’s summer time… you shoot a wedding or an outdoor portrait and because of the heat your subject has shiny skin or your new to lighting and haven’t quite perfected things yet and you have a great shot – but your subjects skin is shiny – it’s easy to fix in post-production.

A few quick reminders… FIX it in post is NEVER the best solution – so as you are practicing and learning your craft – ALWAYS strive to get it right in camera.

Also – if you are doing portraits or headshots or modeling shots and you want to up your game – lighting is just a piece of the puzzle – you need to find a great makeup artist to get your images to a pro level.

Ok – to the retouching tip…

Here is a great portrait that was posted in my Facebook group by Stig-Arve Holmem from Norway. We have a very young subject with lots of personality but no makeup artist and the image is just slightly over exposed, so we wind up with shiny skin in the forehead, nose and tops of the cheeks.

So do we scrap the image? Heck no – it’s a great shot and easily repaired.


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#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Graeme Weston says

    Neat trick. Works really well. Thank you.

  2. Armando Conde says

    Wow this was dope. I love this tutorial!

  3. Mohd Tanveer says

    Osmm video

  4. Steve Jurkovic says

    Thanks Joe! One question – you mentioned "new to lighting" and getting it right in camera. Do you have a video that talks about how to avoid these shiny spots when using lighting? YouTube really needs to improve how to find videos as the volume grows!

  5. Tom Almeida says

    Man of shirts

  6. Felipe Santander says

    I was waiting for this video Adios buddy

  7. Amimmika says


  8. ARbull says

    Quite easy

  9. LensPassions Photography says

    You Always says thanks for watching, but I say thanks for teaching us

  10. Mark Soriano says

    Thanks so much for this! This was very very helpful.

  11. meister bohne says

    Very helpful and effective. Thank you.

  12. digifotocluj DML says

    Mr.Edelman,thank you,you are a legend🙌👍💯🤩

  13. Javier Ramirez says

    Excelent¡¡ Thanks

  14. Rozely Lindim says

    great tips..PS much faster tho

  15. Epi King says

    Another very useful tip…thank you!

  16. Paul Reader says

    Equally manageable in Affinity Photo or, even better, GIMP for those without the budget or inclination to pay a subscription.

  17. elvee55 says

    Thanks Joe, Your Tutorial is the best by far, very easy to follow

  18. BeardedGamer says

    Amazing. Thank you for this.

  19. David Centifanto says

    All I can say is simple steps that worked great. Thank you.

  20. Aron Sch says

    You are by far the best!

  21. Harsh Vardhan Saboo says

    Your videos and way of talking is fab.. Your in-depth knowledge depicts your hard work over the time … Really a fan of your work and dedication. … I wish I could become even 1 % of what you're.

    God bless some day may be …

  22. Brett Olsen says

    Your just wonderful Joe 😀

  23. Stephen Lewis says

    amazing thanks!!!

  24. Victoria Ward says

    Thank you – so helpful! Sorted out one of my photos in seconds.

  25. Pie Toner says

    Damn, even if one knows the tools, doesn't mean he can use it creatively.
    Neat trick!
    Thank you)

  26. Max C. says

    this is so much win! I had ran into this issue, maybe 10 minutes ago? and here comes youtube to save the day by recommending a video that would help me fix the extra bright spots on my subject's face. Thanks again for the super informative videos! you rock!

  27. Veronica McCoy says

    Awesome thank you!

  28. John Lai says

    Thanks Joe. Your step by step instruction is very easy to follow.

  29. lissastube says

    Fantastic instructional video. Easy to follow and understand. One of the best I've seen. Yes, I liked and subscribed. Thank you!

  30. Pedro Madeira says

    "Digging up" some "older" vids Joe, this is great! 😀

  31. Darren Malone says

    I shun photoshop, pretty much mastered LR – but did this in PS with awesome control & results. Thanks so much 🙂

  32. Dex Pyran says

    Quick and easy. Thx.

  33. Norman Perkel says

    Thank you!

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