1. SSSniperWolf says

    iphone 8 waterproof test 😀

  2. Bella Blue says

    July 2019?

  3. Stephen Pretorius says

    Pick me please😄

  4. Arsal Sahi says

    U are so cute❤

  5. Ana Djumic says

    That’s happening with my iPhone 6s Plus. I hate iOS just because of that🙄

  6. Cole Lee says

    Plz can I have the iPhone

  7. daisy says

    She looks like lana rose

  8. GachaKoala _ says

    That’s what happened to my 6s! I think it’s when it’s in the cold cuz when I go out in the cold with a 70% battery it goes to 20% ASAP so what you have to do is keep it warm and turn it of fully by holding down the power of button then wait a minute and turn it back on it will be back to 70% then or maybe a bit lower. If it keeps turning to a low percentage or turning of either do what I said or if it turns of then keep it warm it ur back pocket or something like ur hands then wait to get home to charge, keep it warm the whole time as the cold caused this to happen then when at a high battery again u can use.
    I hope this helped. 😊

  9. the emerald enderman says

    I want it but lots. But I won't get it cause I'm ugly and I'm useless

  10. Allyn Yazzie says

    Im a huge fan of sssniper wolf

  11. Ireland Driscoll says

    I'm sorry for asking but can I have the iPhone 8 plus please

  12. Lashae Tate says

    can i get the iphone 8 plus please i am poor

  13. roneh Silva tube says

    N aguento mais ouvi ela falando

  14. Gracie Carroll says

    I have an iPhone 6s and I still want the phone you don't need to give it to me but I really want it manly because I get bullied by this girl whos like "hey you cant have the iPhone"and I want to prove her wrong so yea

  15. King Gyro says

    I do want the iPhone

  16. Albert Cameron says

    I phone plz

  17. Anna Cannavo says


  18. Teigan Williams says

    Sniper wolf can I have the I phone 8 + I have been subscribed to you for 3 yrs and I have watched all of your videos beaut x

  19. Mirsada Mrsic says

    I would love to revive an iPhone

  20. koolgirljules ! says

    I’m two years late lmao

  21. Cat Lover says

    Looking at pools makes me want to go swimming, BUT ITS RAININGGGG!!!!!!!! >:C

  22. It’s Rainbow girl says

    Please me

  23. Demetrius Repress says

    I want the iPhone because I have a android

  24. it's your Dude says

    Even send me the video

  25. it's your Dude says

    So go there plz

  26. it's your Dude says

    By the way im in the philipins

  27. it's your Dude says

    I want that waterproof phone so when its dirty i can record while im washing it in the sink

  28. Nick Wotton says

    I always use bing to look for p…

  29. catty girl says


  30. Joanna Krajewska says

    lol my mom has iphone x s max

  31. #sabrisandwich pink says

    I want it

  32. Sahar world says

    I love you SSSniperwolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have also subscribed to your channel and I "Smashed that like button in the fist"And can I win the give away PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Michaela Holt says


  34. Lily Vance says

    Hi I'm a huge fan

  35. Silver Plays says

    Oml this is the best

  36. tessley conner says

    omg sniperwolf did the phone stop working or no

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