Lightroom tutorial-Professional Portrait in 6 easy steps…using JPEG?!
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After a few request I have begun putting together more tutorials on how to apply post production techniques to your images using Lightroom and Adobe RAW.
In this tutorial I show you how to achieve a professional looking portrait in 6 easy to follow steps. Although there are several different ways to achieve this look, I walk you through my workflow using the minimal tools for maximum outcomes. To top it all off, I’m using a JPEG file to edit. I just want to show that it is possible to edit with JPEG if your conditions are right. Thanks for watching, please leave your comments and questions below!
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Too much manipulation in my opinion. Naturalistic looks better
Very good video!!!!
Bro i have lightroom 4 somethigs are different like the tone settings cant find them
Those small details just dissapear in jpeg but sadly my camera can't shoot in raw. Thanks for you great video
Plus, its JPEG… come on.
Well, the purpose for this is to re-touch, not completely alter the photo. I've seen some people over-do the effects to a point where its compareable to the make-up on Nicki Minaj.
Press Z to zoom in and out, when zoomed in keep the Spacebar pressed to move around your photo.
what a waste of time. barely any difference from the original….
why do you crop instead of composing when you shoot? i'm not against cropping at all, but you're losing resolution when you crop. it may or may not make a big difference, but you're not getting the maximum resolution. in my opinion that defeats the purpose of a lot of cameras, like d800, or medium format cameras.
very nice
why is the audio so fucking low?
If you on a mac and have the wireless mouse, then you can just slide your finger up and down and that should adjust your brush size. Alternatively you can use the bracket keys (left and right) and this should increase and decrease your brush.
Thanks for watching! You can make changes and save as sRGG when you export the image. Hope that helps. =)
Question! When you have the brush turned on.. how do you zoom in and out. I always have to turn the brush off and zoom to where I need to be. Thanks.
Your comments are welcomed – negative or positive, but please refrain from using that kind of language.
Great tutorial, thanks!
Hello. You can adjust the brush sizes by using the bracketing keys located right next to the letter "P". If you're using a Mac, then you can slide two fingers up and down on your mouse or trackpad. Hope this helps!
How you change the size of the circle when you are working with a brush but with the keyboard???
Very Interesting
It's funny that a lot of people who own Macs don't know that they can actually record on screen using Quicktime. It allows you to recored at 1080p. I also use my zoom H1 for the audio.
how do you make a tutorial? I mean how do you make the video so I can see your screen?
Thanks for the video…. learned some cool stuff
Thank you for this video, it's really helping.
But please – talk to the mic
Ya you are right nd i used to click on RAW only before, but it made me lazy you knw just forget the exposure triangle click it and i will fix it in LR .
But with JPEG you have to get things perfect i mean at the learning stage JPEG is good just to know the diffrent exposure settings and to play with the Manual stuff
But ya i shoot Raw when some details are involved . But thats why i asked you to make a tutorial on JPEG landscapes cuz people have P&S camera and only JPEG , might be good for them
I will alert philip of this request, as he's our photoshop man! Thanks for the suggestion!
ألعفو…شكرا! ; )
You can export any image from lightroom into photoshop, which will create a copy for you there, while retaining any adjustments you've made in lightroom. Photoshop has its equivalent of Lightroom's post tools available called "Camera RAW". If you open up RAW files in photoshop, it should automatically open up Camera RAW.
Thanks for watching and the feedback, I will look into the audio.
Hello and thank you for watching my vid! I will see about putting together a vid on that subject since I've gotten a few similar requests. I will leave you with this food for thought…When shooting landscapes, I would strongly suggest shooting RAW as this is your insurance. Your ability to manipulate colors, light, shadows is much greater as RAW carries much more information. RAW give you that assurance that if it doesn't come out the way you expected, you can always fix it later. Thx again!
I'll have to side with @himanshucisco1, as both have their purposes. Lightroom affords you the ability to organize your photo library as well as provide you with very powerful editing tools. However true, this does not eliminate the need to use photoshop, as Lightroom does have its limits. Photoshop does have it's "Lightroom" equivalent, which is called "Camera RAW". This will essentially give you the same tools as Lightroom. Again, Lightroom combines the best of 2 worlds.
sorry your having so much trouble with the audio. I've tested the audio on several computers and handheld devices and it seems to be working just fine. Have you tried to adjust the volume on the actual player? Thanks for watching!
Try headphnes
it works
Well dont know on what basis u wanna compare it
Photoshop is good for "Editing" but Lightroom is specially for photographers and pictures i suppose
Lightroom is the favourite application of photographers to do post production Cheers !!
Nice one sir ,
I wanna know how to do post production on seascapes and landscapes even night photograpy in JPEG
i know i am asking something odd as i added JPEG , but after watching this very tutorial , i am really thinking to put up a challenge .
Cheers mate
Thumbs up for this JPEG
i use JPEG all the time , i mean that makes me think that better get that shot perfectly as i dont want to rely on a software working with RAW for minutes . i want it perfect and in less time , Hope u reply
Awesome! I'll be watching it again for extra notes
is Lightroom better the Photoshop??
i dont know if it's just me.. or my speaker… or my settings but i tried turning my volume all the way up and it's not loud enough for me. i can hear you but not very satisfy with the volume ;(
Great job I have got a lot of tips from this video..
Great Job man,
I have been using LightRoom for some time now but just today, thanks to you, I discovered how to crop to my liking.
PS: It would help if you increased your volume a bit.