1. Josh Biersack says

    it transitions too fast

  2. Madalyn Sinning says

    What’s the song? I just recently became a fan and I’m trying to listen to all of their songs

  3. Vic _sixx says

    I see the dollar sign

  4. Chyna Olinger says

    I liked all of Ashley's and a few of Andy's!! But it was going by to fast, you couldn't read them all….XD

  5. Addy Carter says

    Love this but next time slow it down a little please

  6. MaddyPlayz Gaming says

    when did 02:51 happen!? that pic was motherfluffing hilarious!

  7. Madi Fillioe says


  8. Selia Wolf says

    1:56 this is amazing XD

  9. Aubrey W says

    I LOVED this. Well done. I laughed my ass off. 👏🏻👏🏻

  10. Taylor Tatter says

    What is with Andy a seagulls

  11. Kleinen_ Android says

    Bwahahahahahhahahaha >XD EPIC

  12. ckieshee says

    I don't give a fuck… and neither does my hair laughs until cries

  13. Michael-Reid Dressel says

    What I wanna know, is why were they looking at his crotch?   0:54

  14. malcom collins says

    Omg the Justin beiber one is hilarious XD

  15. DaggerInYoursHeart says

    that predator face xD

  16. GirlsGamerIL says

    hes steel looking cute LOL 😛

  17. Ash h says

    they put a BOTDF quote on an andy pic my computer and i just died a lot by awesome epic cute and hotness over load (3:39 :ya done goofed" lmao XD)

  18. PoTaTo BoSs says

    OMFG Ashley! I JUST SAW A UNICORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Sami Wood says

    LMFAOX <3 it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. KittyKat says

    And im the same with portfolio 

  21. KittyKat says

    My favorite But i wanted to show you how hot my mom is

  22. Andie Louve says

    3:47 XD

  23. v.gaven says

    I think I just raped the space- bar…

  24. Tyra Irvine says

    if you are a fan of bvb you wouldn't be bitchy to other fans

  25. Cooper Taylor-Matthews says

    2:24 *raises eyebrows* well theeen…

  26. TheMaiden ofMischief says


  27. clewslisa says

    4:08 Ahahaha XD

  28. Arianna Brooks says

    4:03 OMFG Cuteness/Hotness overload..

  29. Stilte voor De Storm says

    Twitter: @BVBfunnyPiCS 😉

  30. Actual Trash says

    Cigarette… Cigarettes are good. So I have no problem with this.

  31. GoemVanStitches says

    3:39 2 of my fav. things botdf and bvb

  32. melodyrosemusiclover says

    1:26 is my fav! HOT!

  33. But That Tony Perry Life says

    I love the Justin bieber one
    Andy: I don't remember sending any one! haha LOL

  34. But That Tony Perry Life says

    at 0.14 who is that?

  35. leopard lily says

    i lov biersack

  36. Alice ThePsychopath says

    1:08 while Andys being a derp you can see his bat wings have grown O.O

  37. Ashely Maddison says

    i love the jb, god one

  38. Alison George says

    good video just moves too fast

  39. Shade Rixx says

    2:43 tells a story:
    Ashley: Hey baby…
    Andy: Uh, Ashley, what are you doing? *stands very still*
    Ashley: Shh. Just let this happen…

  40. Michelle Stephens says


  41. Patricia Myers says

    sides hurt too much to comment now…lol XD

  42. Patricia Myers says

    Andy: I dont remember sending anyone.

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