Using Dodge and Burn + Luminosity Mask to Retouch and Color Grade – Photoshop CC Tutorial
Another retouching video for you all!
Shout out to Skillshare! The first 500 people to sign up via my link will get two FREE months of Skillshare Premium:
Check out Kasia Zmokla’s class on Skillshare about creating and using Luminosity Mask for advanced color grading!
— Current Presets I use in all of my work —
J.Marcus – Pro Photo Edits –
Totally Rad/Pro Retouch/Replichrome –
Mastin Labs –
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This video was sponsored by Skillshare
Time Stamp:
@2:46 – Camera RAW adjustments
@5:31 – Photoshop Clean Up
@14:13 – Dodge and Burn
@25:52 – Color Grading with Lumi Mask
Shout out to Skillshare! The first 500 people to sign up via my link will get two FREE months of Skillshare Premium:
Check out Kasia Zmokla's class on Skillshare about creating and using Luminosity Mask for advanced color grading!
can you share ur Luminosity ACTION?
Hey IKE, we chat occasionally on IG so I look up to your work! Loving you're tutorial! However, can I make one small suggestion? Anyway, you can show your pointer? I had a hard time following which spots you were editing and when until you showed the before and after. But other than that I learned a lot! Thanks!
Great video and I used your link to Skillshare hope it helps you out!
You did that bro!!!! Fire!
Very nice so sweet beautiful
Thx for sharing the knowledge man
You spazzed out Ike!!
4 haters giving this a thumbs.. FOH!
Thank you for this video , I am not good at editing , btw you are moving up nicely in subs , Great job
Awesome video bruh!! Keep doing it!! I loved quite a lot from watching.
Great video man !!! I learned a ton of useful information especially with the luminosity masks !! I love the extreme amount of control it gives you !!
Thanks for putting this out!
Hey man. Big fan of your work. I would like to know why you don't use frequency separation to retouch your photos?
keep it up
This video is a waste of my time. I'm not going to learn how to retouch when all I do if photograph trail trash weddings. Just use ISO 12,800 and the grain will hide everything. You can add grain in post but but I rather get it right in camera.
How do we get the original picture….the RAW images…
Great Video
Defiantly need more of these videos from you
Hello. Cool to learn from you, u doin well

Keep these coming!
Very nice work and seamless editing. I am still learning all the ins and outs. If I sent you and image, could you give some critique and advise? Must add the actions to my list of things to get.

I'm waaaayyyy behind the Ps curve.
Gonna take a miracle to get it.
Do you do any sharpening in Camera Raw?
Why do you guys keep leaving the the nose tip shiny for hot? Also because the hand is so close to the face that's a different tone.