1. Beauty For Ashes TV says

    WOW. His eye is swollen. Photographer should have called CPS. You look like you were at the bottom of the heap and not happy about it….

  2. A Anders says

    You should check out James the cartoon guy at Begood4000. He talks about how parents will take photos to give the impression that they spare no expense just to show the neighbors what good parents they are. Clearly this was a show for someone else, not you kids.
    The real question is, who did they tell or boast to about hiring a professional to come to the house? (I think one video is about kids found chained to beds. Ten year old girl escapes for help. James talks about happy photos of Disneyland while they were at home being tortured.) The photos are for the public. I'm glad for your peace of mind you have your evidence. Blessings.

  3. Amber Pearl says

    Omg are you the secret Mike Jagger sister?

  4. Devotchka says

    Looking back at old photos I had thought I was just born with bitch face and that it was just how I am…. thanks for sharing your story on YT, it's helping others like myself realize how deep all this shit is and how much it has affected us since we were tiny.

  5. David Brown says

    narcissistic parents are beyond shallow, but a testament to how shallow all narcs are. They are 'silly', a stage on to their own . these days, it's paramount to stay on top, call your own shots, and keep these fuckers at arms length.

  6. Zone 9 says

    I can see the overwhelming sadness in your eyes 😟

  7. Zone 9 says

    She wanted you to feel bad and guilty about it.

  8. Light of Life says

    It breaks my heart. 💔😢

  9. lisa richards says

    I think your dad did it in the photo was to remind him of who he was to him, and to remind him he could get another blackeye anytime.
    And to humiliate him.
    They didn't take good care of his teeth, either. Did they?

  10. Stephanie Hunter says

    Made me sick hearing what your mom told you about your brother..I am so sorry you had to go through this

  11. Deplorable Rascal says

    I spent the whole of my life debating with myself wether to kill both of my parents for their evilness, right up until they both died (naturally of old age) and then I was finally free of their influence. God bless you! Stay strong! ☺

  12. Frances JAMES says

    So heartbreaking……may I ask? How is your brother today? How did his life turn out?

  13. Scott Kelly says

    Interesting how there are no family photos or just "1"….Hm!

  14. Jessie Fox says

    The pose in the pic is really weird. Steve has been reduced to an animal. Why would anybody want to keep a picture like that?

  15. Jessie Fox says

    Your brother looks like he's way older than you and your sister. It always seems like the oldest is the scapegoat, the middle child is the lost child and the youngest is the golden child. In my family I was always the evil child from hell, my sister who is a year and a half younger than me was the nurtural ignored child and my sister who is three years younger than me was the beautiful bipolar princess. During my first year that I was away at college, In August when I was at freshman orientation, my parents took nurtural child to go look at colleges. While they were away, they left bipolar child home all by herself. So bipolar throws this get cool party and everybody who lived with in a 10 mile radius of my childhood home was there. There was so much alcohol and drugs there. While bipolar was unconscious, the party guests total trashed the place. All the windows were broken, There were holes the size of fists all over the walls. They even killed my puppy that I couldn't take with me to college and made a ritual sacrifice from it. However, even though I was 5,000 miles away, I was still the one who got blamed for it and I had no idea that there was even a party there until I came home for Thanksgiving break 4 months later. Ever since my sister's party occurred, my mother was obsessed with me being in a Satanic cult even though there was no evidence to prove it. One day I even asked her what her definition of a satanic cult was. She said that it was a group of kids who were friends. But I kept being punished for being in the satanic cult that started my sister's party over and over again until the day she died. I was actually so happy when she died.

  16. EyesToSee says

    This makes me sad.😣😣😣

  17. John Hooper says

    This is so sad.. 🙁

  18. on-board the crazy train says

    I'm the middle of three kids to a drunk, rich, narcissist mother damn that woman hated me never bought me shoes??? over 20yrs no contact I'm still recovering i hope you guys all are recovering.

  19. gorilla twist says

    My creepy story is all of the holiday photos, birthdays,,, from age 6 on, where I am visibly sick. AND no one noticed, ever. I was ignored. THERE WERE DOCTORS AND NURSES THERE!! I was sick with food allergies and the Cluster B Narc family members, saw noting, felt nothing. did nothing. Ignored the pain, I was the invisible child suffering alone and isolated.

  20. Hana Gaamoom says

    Thank you, Rachel, for sharing your experience and offering great insight on narcissistic abuse. I watched most of your videos and feel so much sympathy for what your step-brother endured. My condolences, may he rest in peace.

  21. Sinead Stack says

    Very sad

  22. tanktop25 says

    When I look at that picture, it symbolizes your older brother carrying the weight of the family

  23. It's part of the humiliation of your "problem" brother.
    These sick people…

  24. Leslie Yancey says

    That's so sad. I have no words…:'(

  25. Inge says

    please make new video s. I miss them. I m so sorrie for the loss of you r older brother. I believe in the resurrextion. Please look at jw.org. Im a Jehovah Witness

  26. A H says

    Pictures are a very large part of my narcissistic family. My low end, somatic narc Grandma has a house littered with photos. The thing is, my Grandma cannot even tell the difference between me and other little kids (numerous times she pointed to a little Hispanic girl I had as a friend saying to my daughter, "here's your mom." My daughter and significant other had to correct her). I was the SG, for sure, after my two older siblings were ejected from our house.

    My youngest brother went NC with the whole family years ago, but that did not stop her from going on FB and printing out pictures, and posting under these pictures to his new GF, "oh the family would love to meet you."

    Older two half siblings went NC with her during my parents very messy divorce…they are still up there, with pictures of their abusive exes (dafuq!).

    And, as is true with this photo, so many pictures of my siblings and myself, and we usually look sad, somber, or we were putting on a show.

  27. shoe maker says

    Why did they put your brother away?

  28. C Mickie says

    So haunting and tragic.

  29. Erin Murphy says

    My sister sent me an old photo recently; we only have three or so photos with Santa as little kids and this was one of them. I wasn't in it. My mother decided to get photos with Santa and my siblings while I wasn't around or just didn't let me be in them. Who does that?

  30. Owlet says

    My heart breaks for your brother. I had that same look in my eyes in some photos. Didn't get it then but now I understand what a heartbroken child looks like.

  31. Danielle Funk says

    i think im gonna be sick…..

  32. Sky says

    I can relate a lot with this now that I'm going into new depths about the abuse I experienced. There are so many clues in photo's etc and so many clues about how these 'proofs' are handled and looked at by our abusers, just like your comeuppance video, its crazy. My family abused me a lot by shaming me with photography,, I'm so glad I grew up in an age of analogue camera stuff, the abuse would have been exponential if otherwise.

  33. ian nestor says

    Your brother's back was bowing, from carrying the entire family's issues on his poor, skinny little back. = Scapegoat.
    I'm so sorry, Rachel. Peace and Love and Hugs from a friend

  34. Nott There Yet says

    I get it.

  35. Cathy Martin says

    Hi,new here. I finally have the name of the demon that's in my mother facsimile, it's called narcissism. A big thanks to you and all the other channels, they really help. I remember similar family photo sessions that were made so SHE could appear normal.

  36. R J says

    I have just subscribed and watched a few videos. I am astounded at how much your and my life are the same. There are 8 of us siblings and one of my scapegoat brothers got killed in 1996 by a hit and run driver. My narc mother never mourned over him at all. My Dad also died in 1990 after 44 yrs of marriage with my narc mother. She did not mourn him either. She is 90 yrs old and going strong………God bless you sweet soul. I wish I could sit with you and talk:) 🙂 Astounding!

  37. VideoMenu says

    I'd like to ask a question. After adding my own story in a few replies, it made me think: have you ever struggled with not liking when people reply with their own situation instead of just listening to what you just said? Unless a person tells me their own story with a specific reason to making it full circle with what I'm dealing with, it just makes me feel like the other person is trying to trump me instead of commiserate and resolve uneasy feelings. Like this:

    You: "Walking down the street an hour ago, someone pushed me like he wanted me to fall into the traffic. I feel like I could have died today. It could have been all over."

    Other Person: "Oh let me tell you this! Once my sister's friend was on her cell phone in the coffee shop and a guy came in and robbed it."

    What you would have liked: "Yeah, that sounds terrifying. Are you thinking about what you still want to do in life?"

    When I replied below, I hope it's about commiserating and "You're not alone" and not "Let me trump you with this doozie!"

    I feel like maybe people with scapegoat issues MAY be sensitive to feeling dismissed (because I feel that way at times when my concerns are not responded to, but merely met with a competing story.)

  38. VideoMenu says

    Man, that's heavy. We used to take family photos all the time (dad liked to be "family dad!" wherever we went… always a family picture.) We'd smile and pose, but we weren't happy people. We used to make Super8 family movies. Mom would line us up and stand behind dad the photographer. They'd put on a record like Shirley Temple. Then mom would pantomime all the dumb, hokey, embarrassing stuff we were to mimic for the film. "A ho ho ho…" [grab belly, grimace in delight…] and the sessions always began with yelling at the youngest to NOT make stupid faces this time.

    I have a 9th grade school photo where I'm smiling sweetly and my eyes are puffy. That's because I was crying all night long in despair. Not in despair of friends, dating, having the latest clothes. Despair in emptiness. Despair in being lost in a sea of children.

  39. truth seeker says

    l have expressed how l would like to have all the pics of me with my mom giving me a dirty look.

  40. BaLayEunMi says

    I think having evidence of the abuse is one of the best things in helping to heal. Very few people had any idea that my mother was abusive, and most would say she was a perfect parent. Some of my closest family members refuse to believe that she was as bad as she was, and is. If you can find proof, it helps to reassure you that you weren't crazy or exaggerating.

    One of the things she did was to try to control every word that came out of my mouth. I'm almost 50 now, and she still does it. It's rare that I can say a full sentence without her interrupting or criticizing my tone, content, or delivery. In social situations, she still tries to speak for me.

    I recently found some audio tapes that my parents made when I was 3-years-old. In them, my mother's abuse is clear. In one, I'm trying to recite a poem, and she keeps interrupting me because I didn't pronounce all the words clearly. I was three! At the end, I object to her intrusion saying "no, no, no!" , and say clearly "I can talk by myself, talk by myself!" I feel so sorry for my 3-year-old self, but also grateful to know that my feelings of injustice weren't imaginary, even at that age.

  41. supercalitex says


  42. jdprettynails says

    I find it interesting that not only is the golden child in the middle, but the eldest child- the scapegoat has his younger siblings on his back! Like he's a pack mule. I'm an older sibling myself and I still feel the weight of having to be the responsible one.

  43. joyhzkh says

    I saw his sadness first before the black eye Then how gc was the star of the picture. There are several baby & toddler photos of me obviously squirming to get off malignant covert adoptive n monster's lap. Guess I was trying to get away from her even then.

  44. La Gitane says

    I think it's very interesting that your brother is also literally carrying the two of you on his back! An interesting physical metaphor for the burden of being the scapegoat in your family. My heart goes out to you and to your brother. So many lives are ruined by this darkness. I survived this as well but not without a lot of battle scars. I like and appreciate your vids very much!

  45. Buddha Girl says

    You're very brave 🙂

  46. C. Meagan Michael says

    I am sorry about your brother. Do you have any contact with your older brother now? Did he ever forgive your parents? Does/did he have any quality of life?

    What role did you play on your narc family tree?

    I was both scapegoat and golden child. Which ever best suited my mother at that moment. My brother was from a former marriage and 12 years older so she had very different opportunities with us.

    The one thing the was consistent was her triangulation. She made sure my brother was jealous of me and hated me from birth. I guess that suited her desires. She raised a 12 year old boy to hate the new baby. She even gave away his childhood dog when i was born. She said it was to protect me. She told us that I pulled his tail and he snapped so she "had" to give him away.

    On my birth announcements it said, "Pxxx has a sister!" That would have been cute if not for the way she consistently undermined my existence then and always. Do you know my mother actually named me with the same name as her sisters son but one letter off! He was my closest cousin (who tried to rape me when I was 5) Do you know I never realized it until last year when I became aware?

    Alrighty then… lol

    Have a blessed day.

  47. Sing365 byTwinkly Tus says

    wow didn't know family picture has so many clues!!!

  48. Lizzzzzzzzzzzzz 7 says

    What a powerful story you shared, just in a couple minutes. I'm so sorry you had to endure this type of neglect and abuse from your parents. And your poor older brother. You can see in the photo not only the black eye but literally and figuratively he's carrying the burden of the family on his back. I hope that he has experienced healing and that things are better for you all now as adults. I understand the immense pain that results from being parented by a narcissist and it's no easy task to deal with, even now when I'm in my mid-twenties. Much love to you and I admire the strength you have to delve into these issues you experienced and to share them with the world. The truths you learn about yourself will help to also heal others. <3

  49. puppyhowler says

    i may be over-analyzing this but i noticed something strange…
    i noticed that the youngest one in the middle is wearing the most flashiest and brightest cloths, everyone else has plane cloths. i also noticed that he's above the child who's treated the worst, and you barely look like you're in the photo because of the dark cloths and lack of shading

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