1. Bri Haver says

    …let my 12 yr old do my taxes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. MsLisaPA says

    Amen! We finally have the $$10.00 al-card. Now I spent $20.00

  3. Kerry Wilson says

    Why is your latest video that was posted this morning now not available?

  4. Mike says

    "Coming off a bender" LOLOL You owe me a new keyboard!!!

  5. Lisa Haines says

    $50.00 dollars??? Geeze that's cheap… My daughter just paid $125.00 dollars for my granddaughters daycare pictures and I was like WTH for?!?!?!

  6. Teresa Watts says

    Glad these days are over for me!

  7. Disco Biker says

    Right on, girl! By the time my daughter was in middle school, she was hiding her picture money. I'd choose the package, put my money in the envelop while complaining about prices, only to find it all in her backpack, 2 weeks AFTER picture day! Kids! Lol!

  8. Duane Martin says

    Oh myyyy! Good 1 dear!#

  9. KAY DE says

    Da fuck? $50? dat school must be outta their minds and decided its Hollywood well lemme tell you something I wont fork out 50 cents for a school picture nope. T.T

  10. Adjusted Apothecary LLC says

    Lmao! What’s picture day?!?! Good luck kid! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. Kathy McLaughlin says

    And that $50 picture package includes 6 wallet size pictures…that's all! Nope! I ain't doin it!

  12. Nancy Nicastri says

    "I'm a failure!!" πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  13. cindy mock says

    Shoot, I would just take my kid to a park or the lake and take a bunch of pics. One year, we just went out in the front yard, put a chair in the middle of a flower bed, and snapped a few. Picked out the best one or three, got a bunch of copies, and boom, all the family got a nice pic. The only pro pics he got done was his graduation pics. I hired a girl from the church and he got dressed up in a nice suit. I would rather let my cat wash my face with her tongue after eating a can of tuna that to pay for school pics. #Iaintdoingiteither

  14. New Hybrid Wrestling says

    My school went all out. Almost 150 bucks for a durn senior picture. Why cant they just use the one from last year I mean it'd not like I didnt look any different from the year besides a new pair of chuck taylors. I dont see what's so special about picture day.

  15. Wouldntyou Liketoknow says

    I was my mother’s β€œunmade bed” on picture day. I never knew when it was or told my mom about it. I Love you Heather, come to Livermore, Ca. We have the Bankhead Theatre for you!!

  16. djteddy bear says


  17. Tonia Burton says

    AMEN SWEETIE… $50 For 5 pics is CRAZY… Love your stuff.. Always makes me laugh.. THANKS BUNCHES

  18. Long Haired Country Boy says

    My Mom was the one that’d dress me up like Easter Sunday for picture day while everyone else looked comfortable.

  19. Karen Gossett says

    I am a grandmother but remember picture day 😠 But now I demand a beautiful picture that I am not responsible for! LMAO πŸ‘…

  20. Debi Bliss says

    ROFL….especially when you can do it yourself….at home….for free!

  21. Leti Wheeler says

    I HATE picture day!! Like seriously how many pictures do they intend to take? I have two kids, then I have to purchase both sets of pictures! It gets expensive!!

  22. karinna1813 says

    3 YEAR IN A ROW πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ right here tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Thats why i buy the $15 one take them to walmart and make few copies for $5 well if i like them πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  23. Steve Tadeusiak says

    That one was absolutely brilliant. I'm still laughing. Thanks, your awesome. πŸ™‚

  24. Cindy Mitcheltree says

    Spot on! πŸ˜‚

  25. Elaine Bird says

    Right those pictures are high loool

  26. Timmy Krick says

    I love you to pieces

  27. Leah Le says

    35 year old bad memories! I wore a insert city here recreation authority shirt to 4th grade pic day. Still look at all the other kids in nice clothes & then meπŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  28. Geneva Greene says

    Right on. They probably have a million selfies already. Print one of them at Wal-Mart for 10 cents.

  29. BibleTalk101 says

    I can take pictures all day long at home. For cheap. Is 48 gigs worth of home-grown images not enough? I ain't doin it either.

  30. Kathy Ashby says

    You can get the kids all dolled up and all, but then they decide to put on the stupidest smile EVER just for that one particular day. OH….and that darling picture…goes right in their year book.

  31. I wld rather let my 12 yr old do my taxes! Lol Mine looks like she’s a runaway!!! *dying*Sounds like my 10 year old step daughter who refuses to fo her hair and dresses like a boy. Come to Nor Cal!!! Love these!

  32. Brandi B says


  33. Lois Doucette says

    Haha ! Again I'm laughing my old ass off !

  34. cheyloo says

    AMEN! (For the third year in a row! )

  35. Vicki Noeske says

    Oh my gosh! I hated those school picture packages when all you wanted was 8 wallets and 1 5 Γ—7!!! And, you paid in advance for the privilege of your child looking like something you wouldn't share with anyone!πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  36. M Vela says

    πŸ’€πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Now they have picture day for EVERY season…….Why?

  37. Cathy McCoy says

    $50?! They are $500 once they're seniors! It's like we're being punished knowing we'll never buy another LifeTouch package again.

  38. Stephanie D says

    I feel ya on this one sister. πŸ˜‚ It's especially a good day when it's a class photo and your child is standing next to the little girl with the perfect braids and outfit that actually matches!

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