Growing Spiritually + Family Photo Shoot VLOG


In this video, I take you with me to my “Family Picture Day”. Then, I get a little chatty sharing about how I’m progressing using neuroplasticity to heal from chronic illness. I share about what God is teaching me, and how I’ve been growing spiritually in new ways in these last couple weeks.

Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)
(aka the program I am using!)


  1. jodi irvin says

    Wait…how are you connected with the pastor? Is that your dad? I used to watch his stuff all the time. Crazy…

  2. Totally Transformed says

    I have been watching your videos for the last few days. I am inspired to look into DNRS. I am a person who has suffered from fibromyalgia and CFS for 24 years. Although, I have been able to work. I still have had pain, insomnia and fatigue that never seems to go away completely. I am now reading the book wired for healing and then plan to do the dvd's. Thx for the info. Many blessings…D

  3. Sam Taylor says

    I love how open you always are and so happy you are healing. I always pray you will feel stronger. I would love to spend more time reading the bible, can you recommend a bible study plan or a monthly reading plan? Xx

  4. Gymology Fitness says

    MANDY!!! I LOVE YOUR VLOG. It's like a behind the scenes look at the Groeschel family! SO fun! Keep it up! -Kyle.

  5. Kayleigh Jones says

    I love watching your channel! I’ve been watching it since the beginning and I wanted to let you know how much the effort you put into making content is appreciated. Your videos have encouraged me so much! Both in physical health and spiritually. Your vlogs have blessed me immensely. I would love to hear even more from you! If you ever started a podcast I would most definitely listen. Thank you again for starting this YouTube channel!!

  6. Helen Louise says

    It was so great to watch this! Such an encouragement to see how God is restoring your health through the DNRS! My package arrived on Thanksgiving and I have just started to go through the DVDs on the weekend. Thank you so much for sharing your progress. I already noticed a difference in the way I was able to attend church yesterday morning, even though I hadn't slept well the night before. I was so glad I didn't miss out on the sermon which was titled "The Day We Changed Our Mind" – no coincidence there! It was such a blessing to be reminded how what you think will determine how you feel and my pastor kept saying so many things that really backed up the principles behind the practice I am beginning in DNRS like "Take every thought captive", "What are you reaping because of what you are saying?", "If you speak negatively over your life, that's the fruit you will bear!", "We need to be speaking His promises!" I couldn't believe how confirming all his words were and now I am so excited to get into day 3 of the seminar this morning! God bless you as you do your daily practice – I'll be thinking of you when I am doing mine! 😀

  7. VeronicaVeeTV says

    Yes girl! Exercise for the brain needs to be daily. Its been a process with my body and brain. I'm so happy you're making progress 😊

  8. Sleepmusicforbabies says

    Im always so excited for you vlogs! So happy you are making progress! God is so good. Thank you for encouraging me once again 🌸

  9. albino hedgehog says

    Love your vlogs- so happy you are making progress in your health! 💜 xx

  10. Kim Flisakowski says

    Preach it, girlfriend!

  11. Markus & Carla says

    Love the inspiration you guys give! Just found your channel and we love it so far! Keep it up(: we look forward to seeing you guys upload more(:

  12. Sherri Ward says

    I'm so thrilled and I'm so thankful that you are seeing some good results. I'm going to get busy researching the DNRS and put my dad on it too. I love that your spiritual life is so woven into the rewiring of your thinking. I can't wait to go to a deeper level with God and find healing through Him. I totally cried through this because I'm so happy for you, and I'm happy to have a new avenue to explore and to finally find healing myself. Hugs and love to you. Oh, and I really enjoyed the family picture clips. You all look like you have so much fun together and that is wonderful. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I'd love to see more updates as you discover new things that are helping you with health issues! God bless you and yours and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  13. Robert Wright says

    preach it!

  14. Mr Soulfoot says

    Limbic system: isnt it awesome when science confirms what scripture has taught all along – "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2  Miss ya

  15. Mr Soulfoot says

    Mandy I love your videos.   What equipment do you use?  Did you do a Vlog on that and I missed it already?

  16. Tracie Vaughn says

    This is my favorite vlog on your channel! What a great inspiration you are, Mandy! Thank you for being so candid and open. Continued daily prayers for your progress. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Colette(familypeacelove) says

    beautiful family you have 😊 thanks for the update xx

  18. Josie🏆 says

    Wow ! Thank You! Definitely encouraged!

  19. MrsKGee says

    Been watching your videos and I Love this. I too had some chronic pain which led to too many meds and anxiety and panic attacks. With the right doctor,physical therapy and acupuncture my pain got soooooo much better so I’m currently ALL med free and working thru my anxiety and panic. Even though it was all really awful and has changed me I too am closer to Jesus. And I love it!! ❤️ so happy for you. #LifechurchAlbany 😉

  20. James Harrison says

    Love the vlog we had family picture day last weekend as well. Love seeing your videos they are so inspiring. Praise God for the breakthrough and continued prayers

  21. Health Coach Kait says

    Awesome vlog! Loving your channel 🙂

  22. vava coulter says

    love your message praise God you are doing so much better !!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving !!!

  23. Joanna says

    Your family seems to be so funny. 😉

  24. G3brenda says

    of course we enjoying watching you!! some powerful messeges in this one <3

  25. Kristy Saelee says

    Nice vlog

  26. mel says

    I enjoy watching your videos:) I ordered the program, Ill keep you updated if it works for me.
    keep shinning beautiful

  27. Kate Wntld says

    I needed this 👌🏻😚

  28. Tori Martin says

    Mandy this is your best vlog yet! I look forward to each one knowing its full of Jesus, truth and honesty. Isn't our God incredible!?

  29. ThatNoraChick says

    Great vlog. You definitely encouraged me and I truly believe God is healing my chronic fatigue little by little. I made a vlog about it too. I can't thank you enough because you are the person who motivated me to seek God and keep hope. Thank you.

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