Canon Digital Photo Professional (DPP) 4: Managing Files

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See how you can use the Bookmarks, folders, “Collections,” filter settings and more to help organize your workspace and photos. Check out more DPP tutorials on the Canon Digital Learning Center:

  1. Rick Vig says

    So how do you create a folder of images and share with others? Can you email a collection to someone?

  2. CPH Graphics says

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  3. I can't see folder section in my CPP4 and i'm not able to give specific locations, can you please tell me how to fix it ?

  4. Drake Leroy says

    Will dpp4. 9.20.0 work on imac 4k and imac 5k retina displays?

  5. karl horton says

    Keep getting Lens data not available. Even when I add a lens to the list. Can you help..

  6. Momchil Yordanov says

    When I delete the pictures from DPP 4, it deletes them from my computer too! Why?!? It is the most stupid and counter-intuitive ever! No editing program I know of deletes the pictures from the source folder on the HDD. What is the point of that?!?

  7. arifg1 says

    Spent a few hours trying to find a way to open an image by typing its path/name. No way. Who wrote this thing?

  8. Jodi Wynn says

    Does DPP have a metadata template and a keywords window?

  9. marc bailey says

    hello, I'm still pretty new to photography, I'm trying to create a black/white picture, with the main subject still in colour, is there a video that will show me how to do this using Dpp4,
    k8nd regards

  10. Bob Masiello says

    Did not know that DPP4 only works on certain canon bodies.

  11. Thomas Duffy says

    hi, I have Canon Digital Photo Professional 4 bisc i got my new canon camera. every thing works on disc on laptop accept 1 thing
    when i go into edit image and go to perform basic image adjustment, white balanc adjustment, shot settings DOES NOT WORK
    for me. can you please tell me is wrong ………. Thanks

  12. imiu2002 says

    Hello again, can you please tell how to blur the background in DPP4 ? I was looking in help and searching over the internet and could not find the procedure. Please help me to discover.

  13. imiu2002 says

    Hello, is there any possibility to blur a background in DPP 4? Thank you!

  14. George H Salas says

    Hi Guys

    Is there a quick way to convert all of the images in a folder from a Raw file to jpeg ? Thanks in advance

  15. Arif Rafie Amir Hamzah says

    how do you manually select the number of photos u want? instead of selecting pictures one by one

  16. Mark Pullen says

    I have just installed this software, but I already use 'Photos' on Mac, so how can I edit the pictures in there? I can't seem to navigate to the 'photos' library.

  17. tom waugh says

    What was Canon thinking when they released this software?
    It's not backwards compatible with older versions which means that none of the corrected images and recipes processed in DPP3 can be read in version 4.
    If I want to see the recipes I used in my older images, I have to have version three installed!

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