1. Rob_temsis says

    Lonely bones… the curls hahaahaha

  2. themuteblox says

    1:22 "do you teach art to cats" lmaoooo I'm crying

  3. Rosie L. says

    Can believe amy created new phone who dis

  4. O'Nikki Adams says

    Bon soir

  5. Anjelica Morgan says

    Did you wear that yesterday?!!!!

  6. phresh says

    whos the curly lamp boy? hes fuckin hot

  7. Anjelica Morgan says

    Do you teach art to cats?

    I love him!

  8. fatdudewh33lchair says

    What’s he mean who’s this? She sent a goddamn picture of herself.

  9. I like how they've got 2 studio flashes that do nothing.

  10. Just Chill says

    " If you don't watch your fcking shadow, I will remove it."

  11. Severed_ _Shadow says

    Chill dude

  12. MassiWorld says

    Do you teach art to cats? ahahahah

  13. your statement is smart says

    That one friend who always good in a photo even whe she just wakes up

  14. yijunlin says

    “Hasidic rabbi living in your underpants” wowww savage…. And hysterical!

  15. aurora felicity says

    love amy's sketches!

  16. Lady Lovely Lox & Bagels says

    “Cuuute place, do you teach art to cats?” 😹

  17. Gary Isn't From Earth says

    amy, oh no, there's a spider in your hair! there's a spider in your hair, get it out!!!!!!!!

  18. Sumukh says

    “Wait there's a spider in your hair” *clicks the pic* 🤣🤣

  19. Ged Agnors says

    Welcome to the comedy of 2018, gang…

  20. Leandro Moronta says

    “Too comfy! Too comfy!”

  21. Greg Dahlen says

    diane keaton definitely needs help ha ha

  22. Cordelia lee says

    omg this is where new phone who dis started from!!!

  23. WhatAWorld says

    "Diane Keaton bottomless with a turtleneck" 😂😂😂😂

  24. Peter Worsley says

    ЕЕEЕrесtilе dуsfunctiоn mеds turn yоu into slavеs (when thе rеaаааl solutiоn is so simрpрlеее) https://twitter.com/799bf2cb840cc18ba/status/822777029539995650

  25. درويش الصقر says

    Have YOOOU used Caasanova’s eeeеrection trick? https://twitter.com/8afe4268ad5501383/status/822777029539995650

  26. Fadel Geeks says

    babe: can u send me your pic i just wanna see you right now, no need to be extra
    me :

  27. IamSofia says

    Amy's so pretty in this.

  28. sharon ade says

    loooool, that last pic was so hot tho

  29. GAVIN.WEST says

    "Should I just send him that one where, remember I met Hillary Clinton at Laguardia. Should I send him that one. You can like basically see my nipple."

  30. Aleyna says

    smile like you don't have spanx on

  31. Daniel Kwon says

    she's so ugly

  32. Oka Yumi says

    "It'll take a second..TWENTY MINUTES! "This has been on youtube for quite a while, and I still keep watching it and it is still so funny:) Gabe Liedman should be more famous! He is hilarious!!

  33. Arif says

    The guy holding the reflector, who is he? I wanna stare into his eyes

  34. JokerFace says

    "Oh my god, are you gonna shit your pants?"

  35. swissmadchen says

    Does anyone know the name of the second assistant? The one with curly brown hair?

  36. DJdext says

    "Smile like you're not wearing spanks" Cracks me up everytime.

  37. Enter a name here says

    Do. you. teach. art. to. cats.


  38. him says

    i thought the punchline would be him sending her a blurry ugly selfie, highlighting the difference in quality between males and females. hm.

  39. amazinginspiration says

    I DONT get the ending??? PLEASE someone explain it to me. Thank u.

  40. Tharaka Umayanga says

    I didn't understands the ending

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