Harmless fun or racist? Use of ISIS bride’s picture as shooting target sparks DEBATE

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A shooting range in the UK has been branded ‘distasteful’ for allowing pictures of ISIS bride Shamima Begum to be used as target practice. The teenager earned notoriety after an interview in which she showed no remorse or regret about fleeing to join the terrorist group in Syria. One of her images used at the range covered in bullet holes has been widely shared online. READ MORE:


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  1. Sammie Mara says

    Excellent… They should make punch bags with her face on it too!!! She joined a group of psychopath's who want to kill us, and has no place here.

  2. Preben S. E. Nielsen says

    If I could, I would do all to support Israel and help them defend their land from predators.

  3. Preben S. E. Nielsen says

    It is legal to shoot women and children, they all bear arms, and then they are legal targets, and the range and target is just a way to let out the steam, and have a good time, dreaming of the time when it is legal to go in the streets and shoot for real.

  4. Preben S. E. Nielsen says

    That black dude talking about racism, no other living near human as the muslims and the blackies from africa is more racist than muslims, the demand houses and all they want, but not too far away from other insane, and definitely not among white people. Here they all sit in fine flats or houses, never work, and they worst is muslims from dark africa and Somalia specific, a huge amount of terrible insane and lunatic beasties is what it is.

  5. peter kinasz says

    can i get one with boltons and rubios, or abrams picture on it?

  6. Gjn Lamashtu says

    Muslim Mums vs English Diversity Teacher. Mums win.

  7. FinalSnowDuck says

    She DOES NOT represent all Muslim women, she represents literal evil

  8. sam T says

    Who is the guy in a blue tie. What a legond! Says it how it is. First person on msm not to say a load of rubbish and lies in a long time.

  9. francisco ponce says

    I would not be surprised if that brown guy is a terrorist

  10. The Madone says

    It might be distasteful to some, however IT IS NOT RACIST. Islam IS NOT A RACE, IT'S AN IDEOLOGY, ISIS are a Radical Islamist Terrorist Group guilty of untold murders in the name of their ideology. This person is a self professed member of that group

  11. kanadajin3 says

    I am a Muslim woman, I agree with the white dude. She is not like us. She does not follow our laws. She is a traitor. She is a terrorist supporter. No country should let these people back. Yes, use military and take those children back right away but those women are not our business to bring back, especially what that pathetic attitude in the interviews, she literally does not care or see anything wrong with what she did.

  12. Cat kid says

    Didn’t she join the same people killing citizens in the country she wants to return to? Didn’t they kill the same countries troops and innocent civilians? And there bitching about people shooting a picture of her? Not just any woman or any Muslim but a traitor to the country shooting a picture. And as far as the child he wasn’t born on the country. It’s horrible but it was the mothers choice. Need to bring her back to the uk and have a shooting squad execute her.

  13. M Jay says

    Absolutely nothing wrong with that

  14. robert young says

    if she was a white woman that did the same they the shooters would do the same !! so not racist !they just hate terrorists

  15. article 13 says

    remember folks, you are born as a muslim woman. not as a woman, not as arabic, a muslim. this guy is lost in his own virtue.

  16. Ilitch Dhoomon says

    0:29 WTF… even Jose Mourinho's picture is a shooting target… must definitely a United fan

  17. Danny Morrissey says

    That dudes haircut offends me deeply🤣🤣

  18. Danny Morrissey says


  19. Neville says

    Appropriate very appropriate

  20. BeeTreeGuy says

    racist? How? Why does race ALWAYS come into play? How about, she's a traitor and a terrorist. The SHEEP of the world need to open their eyes to reality.

  21. Adim Chan says

    This is very ridiculous to make a target of pathetic woman instead of Abubakr Al Baghdadhi..

  22. David Chandley says

    To hell with her and to hell with them …..I don't care if its racist or not…. I want to buy a few hundred to give away as gifts . Thanks RT for the advertising ..i never would have known about them if it wasn't for you .

  23. Miele Rodriguez says

    No its NOT racist.

  24. vulo vulo says

    i am so offended they use bin laden as a target. they say it is ok to shoot men with big beards.

  25. Regis says

    They obviously targeted her because of her treason and lack of remorse for supporting and joining ISIS. It's downright insulting to suggest that this somehow is linked to muslim women in general… He's ignoring why they picked this target and picks completely arbitrary aspects of the picture (the hijab and her skin colour) and then acts as if the hatred is aimed at that. It's wrong and disingenuous. This is like berating people who shoot at a picture of Hitler by ignoring that they obviously chose it for their hatred of his ideology and picking out arbitrary aspects of the picture like his skin colour or moustache and then pushing a narrative that "shooting at a picture of white men is racist" and "this promotes violence against moustached people, it must stop". Totally no logic in this.

  26. Zach Crawford says

    Holy $h!+. It's a picture an ISIS member, why would any non-ISIS muslims be offended? Do you really think any normal german would get butt hurt if you fired some rounds into a picture of a NAZI? They aren't NAZI so they most likely wouldn't care or would probably cheer you on.

    If you are one of these muslims, stop trying to play the victim card here because it really just ends up making you look sympathetic to ISIS as you are literally defending an ISIS member's image. Or If you are a "white knight"(a person who defends other people on their behalf, usually without being ask to), you need to stop as well because your argument is basically associating this ISIS women with muslim women in general. Your doing exactly what it is you are trying to prevent.

  27. Tawny Owl says

    Shooting a known terrorist is a duty.

  28. Ash Muntz says

    had to play the victim and the race card

  29. Ash Muntz says

    a good moderate muslim

  30. Glen John says

    RT … please …. Islam is NOT a race!

  31. Dennis Shih says

    Who cares, she willingly joined the worst terrorist group in the world, she has forsaken her right to life long ago.

  32. sharpest shed tool says

    At what point in time did religion become a race!?!

  33. sharpest shed tool says

    I absolutely approve of and LOVE this!

  34. G Hooghkirk HIGHLIFE says

    That's genus 😂. Hope that they sell that in America. Perfect😂😂😂🇺🇸

  35. Saitama says


  36. Alexandru Popescu says

    Poor Begum… First Jules Verne used her family name to write a book, now this… smh

    Of course you can use any picture you want as target practice. It is a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression. You can even use as target practice the pictures of: the queen, Trump, your boss, your ex, your mom, not Mohamed etc.

    Edit: Forgot to mention one thing – I'm a leftist. Well, more precisely, I'm a anarcho-communist. Triggered?

  37. Lottie Renwick says

    I call running off to join isis more than distasteful!

  38. jack johnson says

    how about fair.

  39. Zarah McIntosh says

    No human silhouettes are allowed at our public gun range here in USA, except for the cops when they practice but this is pretty funny. Those would sell a lot here in the states for private use. She deserves the hell she has chosen.

  40. bitbatbutttiktaktuk says

    Where do i book a shooting session where is this place love it !!!!!

  41. ghetto medic says

    They need to offer those here in the US. Picture of Angela M would be nice too….

  42. Diory N says

    I still expect news reporter are around to REPORT.
    To give us audience FACTS.
    It's that simple.

  43. davo B says

    Make Britain great again.

  44. Gypsy39 says

    plaster isis targets on every street corner 🇬🇧

  45. Danica Quinn says

    Oh yeah yeah I should feel sorry for someone who went off in Joyner Barber Co did you hurt people and burns them alive yeah she feel sorry for that person yeah right

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