Widsmob Portrait Video Tutorial – How to Use WidsMob Portrait to Makeup Different Portrait Images

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WidsMob Portrait is a professional photo editor for portrait images, which you can have full control over makeup, skin color manage, batch retouch process, excellent photo quality, intuitive interface and fast speed.

1. Soften your skin and remove the freckles and wrinkles on your face.
2. Adjust the color tone of the portrait.
3. Change the color tone of your portraits according to the various kinds of colors it provides.
4. Soften your face by removing the reflect light on your face.
5. Whiten your teeth and make your smile more attractive.
6. Brighten and enlarge your eyes and make you smile.
7. Make your face slimmer.
8. Lifts your cheek and makes you look younger.
9. Highlights your nose and gives you a straightened nose.
10. Get rid of unwanted acnes, scars and spots and erase unnecessary dark circles under your eyes.

Learn more about WidsMob Portrait right here:

1 Comment
  1. josephkeyrouz photography says

    Can I have it as plugin for Photoshop CC ?

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