Photography terms defined for smartphone photographers | Pocketnow


We’re stepping up how we review smartphone cameras, and we want to produce video reviews similar to how we might review a standalone camera. For any folks who are unfamiliar with some of these composition and photography terms, this video is a primer to help introduce basic concepts for our future reviews.
White Balance
Shutter Speed
Sensor Size
Depth of Field
Focal Length
Aspect Ratio
Video Resolution
Frame Rate
Bit Rate
Image Stabilization


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Photography terms defined for smartphone photographers | Pocketnow


  1. SAN TECH says

    hi wat should be iso shutter speed smartphone / camera

  2. EvilTwin-niwTlivE says

    I watched this video instead of counting sheep.
    *no im not Scottish

  3. Lorena Gercan says

    What the name of that app ??

  4. Motoburn says

    can you please tell what stylus is that ?

  5. Pankaj Kumar says


  6. Sohan Dhande says

    Hey Pocketnow thanks for the information.

  7. CatChaFreeMan says

    thank you so much for this sharing info.

  8. Redwaversz says

    Because this video when my parent / me buying a phone i always spend time looking for the camera setting

  9. Shaurya P. Yashashwi says

    Very Helpful

  10. José Andrés Montero Rojas says

    Can anyone tell me the name of the video he mentioned at the end? English is not my primary language

  11. Asquare Technical says

    one word……….excellent…….

  12. Dulala says

    Thanks for this Viedo…learnt alot

  13. Astral100 says

    Great video, but I wish you made some pauses in between sections, as I feel I don't have enough time to process the previous term before being thrown into the next one. Have to pause in between each of those sections. Otherwise the video is great, love it.

  14. Oussama Khamlichi says

    This video made feel like a mentally retarded person!

  15. FoodRavel says

    This is a wonderful video. Very informative

  16. phuddokhata says

    1/4 is not called one quarter, its just called quarter.

  17. Abinash Satpathy says

    grt work. The best video ever seen.
    Very informative.
    THANK YOU:-)

  18. EJ Tirona says

    Very helpful thank you for taking time to produce videos such as this one.

  19. lifelong says

    THANK YOU. This was so useful.

  20. Muhammad Zakaria says

    very informative video. cheers

  21. jared williams says

    awesome video you guys

  22. Luqmaan Mathee says

    Actually, the Cyanogen camera next also let you change shutter speed on the OPO.

  23. Muhammad Reza Fakhrudin says

    damn cool vid bro

  24. Ioan Nemes Artwork says

    nice video

  25. Zyrazor says

    The only reviewer who knows what is photography.

  26. Dominic Francis Baalraaj says

    Well done, Sir!! I can see you replacing Michael Fisher!!

  27. TheOfficialNar says

    Really love how you make these camera videos for smartphones. Not a lot of people do it.

  28. Rotciv Vihc says

    Great video super informative

  29. StefanLind7 says

    love this guy

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