Realistic Drawing Tips and Techniques – How To Draw Realistic Portraits


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If you can’t find the links or resource that I refer to in the video, it’s because they are posted in the original lesson.

You can go watch the FULL tutorial (with everything included) here:

In this video, I’m going to show you some simple tip and technique to help you draw better realistic portraits.

The methods and techniques that I teach in my videos are drawn from drawn from many different artist teachers whom I learned from, as well as my own personal experience.

But for this particular series, I would say that Lee Hammond and her books has had the most impact on helping me with realistic pencil drawings. I’d like to thank her for sharing her knowledge.

If you like these techniques, I highly recommends you check out more of Lee Hammond’s teachings at her website:

  1. aazz0099503 says

    Fuck it im sticking with music

  2. DMX Zooom says

    Is a tortillion used for blending?

  3. Rus Chan says

    So basically, you don't use outlines. You have to keep shading. I never knew that

  4. Jr.Gamer -part time joker says


  5. yanca's art says

    wow ! thank you

  6. anuraglfc4lyf says



    Its tooooo difficult i can't how can i do this whenever i take pencil and paper i saw i will make a gud portrait but actually it was looking bad when eyes looking gud than lips is not correct when hairs bad eyes gud when nose perfect chin very bad how make portrait it is impossible for me😔😔😔please give me a suggestion please…….

  8. Star says

    I’ll never learn how to draw 😞

  9. 레인 says

    Wow, I feel like I've learned so many things! Thanks for the tip you gave.

    And uh… 2018 anyone?😂

  10. Ann Cathryn says

    hi everyone ,if anyone else is searching for learn how to draw realistic portraits try Skyarza Portrait Coach Star (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my neighbor got cool results with it.

  11. Mr. Dingo1 Kev says

    Use the force… it will guide u

  12. Super Intendend says

    @3:09 What does he use to blend it together? A tortellini?

  13. Megha Mehra says

    great video. what pencil is this?

  14. adriantarngriffin says

    Thanks. Great job.

  15. Ji says

    Sees thumbnail doesn't think much of it

    Watches video

    Me: Bitch that was a drawing!?

  16. guerrero luis says

    Very helpful,thank you

  17. Riki Diyana says

    Very nice, it's helpful for me,, love it 🙂

  18. Abigail says

    Man I've been drawing a lot of realistic. It's good, but I never thought about not putting that hard line. I'm gonna try to out

  19. Aly Musailova says

    That's a great tutorial! I've always concentrated on portraits, but never really thought of this. Thank you!🙃

  20. Jackson Hilario says

    N. N

  21. funny guy says


  22. Niven A. Nolte says

    Thank you.

  23. Janelle Viloria says

    So very amazing..
    Thanks for this videos..its so very helpful to the beginners artist..😊☺

  24. John Arnold Sadoguio says

    same…I need a picture so that I can draw or sketch. sometimes it will end up like poop. LOL

  25. Parmeshwari Choudhary says

    hlw !! I am not good at drawing but i love drawing can u plz hlp me about hw to draw even simplest drawing .i even cannot draw simplest drawing and i am very poor in drawing!!!!😢😢😢😔😔😔😔😔

  26. amir vafa says

    perfect point.tnx

  27. choo seah says

    rule number 1: dont use hard lines XD thanks for the tip

  28. Kara Neely says

    this didn't really help sorry

  29. Hollywood says

    Am I the only one here that doesn't draw realism? Only anime XD

  30. Angel Martinez says

    hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to uncover how to draw amazing pencil portraits try Loctavan Amazing Drawing Strategy (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my partner got amazing results with it.

  31. mousy says

    thank you so much

  32. Kavya Manivannan says


  33. Yasser Yazid says

    follow my instagram "si_pelukis_potret",i also do tutorials and teaching basic for beginners and realistic potrait,ill follow u back in no time

  34. Velibor Šepur says

    I'm not sure but ,if anyone else trying to find out easy ways to draw portraits try Loctavan Amazing Drawing Strategy (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my neighbor got excellent results with it.

  35. Matthew says

    Nice, a master is someone who has conquered the basics.

  36. TXejas19 TXejas19 says

    great work! thanks

  37. Marc L. says

    very helpful!

  38. Jana Cegar says

    use what to blend it togheder? Please i want to know.

  39. Bob Green says

    what do you use to blend in   the freaking pencil yo

  40. kenka hasan says


  41. Georgia Campbell says

    what pencil is it?

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