Plexiglas for Studio Photography: Why It is a great choice for a product photographer?

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Plexiglas for Studio Photography: why it is cool to shoot product on it? Alex Koloskov demonstrates in a short video all cons and pros of this material for a photographer.
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“What do you use as a shooting table” — I’ve heard this question many time, and when Peter Combs asked me on G+ again, I’ve decided to record this shot 3 minutes video, explaining and demonstrating why I like black plexiglas for studio photography.

Why the video came out 10 minutes instead of planned 3? I am trying to make them short and therefore more valuable, but I talk too much! I’ll be keep trying to shorten them:-)

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  1. Game-Changer says

    Thanks for the ideas. Excellent results. I will try

  2. John Summerfield says

    I can buy that plastic sheeting in my local hardware stores in Australia.

  3. Ls Lx says

    este sujeto nunka responde las preguntas k la raza le arroja…….parece serio instructor mas no

  4. Ls Lx says

    what sort of clamps do u utilise dude

  5. Rob Studio says

    What size do you recommend for shooting bottles of wine ?

  6. Rob Studio says

    Hello, what size is this ?

  7. Stoycho Stoychev says

    Hi, Alex could you tell me please which one is yours plexiglass?

  8. KMF Imaging says

    What kind of stand do you put the board on?

  9. captain america says

    You can talk

  10. devbiz says

    Question Alex
    I have seen your light stand using wall plate and piece of shelving. Can you link me to the adapter that screws up and joins the light stand to the wall plate? I can't seem to find this anywhere or size I require as both my ends are male it seems.I am in UK  Can you also suggest booms that can be attached to light stand for speed lights?

  11. Svyat Golden says

    Спасибо Алекс за ваши уроки!! Очень интересно и познавательно! Хотелось бы некоторые уроки послушать на русском языке!

  12. Ticketing Solutions Srl says

    ammazza che due balls… come far diventare noioso un argomento potenzialmente interessante….. 

  13. Renat Adjigitov says

    Очень интересные уроки у вас Alex. Спасибо большое. Жаль не все понимаю до конца, потому что не очень хорошо знаю английский язык.

  14. KerryParker says

    So… I was watching and listening throughout. I thought a little about the plexiglas. Alex continued just talking about the reflections, blah, blah.. Then he took a random object put in on the table. Didn't adjust anything much, focused, shot and – WA BAMM!! Beautiful product photo straight outta camera. I broke out laughing . Great stuff man!

  15. Michael Cabrera says

    Alex, does the thickness matter of the black plexiglass?  I see that the thicker plexiglass is more expensive on ePlastics, but what benefit does the thick version have over the thin version?

  16. Hong Dai says

    Thanks Alex. How can you keep dusts out of it? 

  17. JuniorK says

    Plexiglass should be available nearly anywhere in USA. And quite cheap. in Australia it is relatively expensive, aka acrylic. Just about any plastic type company would sell plexi and all national cities in USA would have plastic companies. Plexi is used a lot in housing for bathrooms, kitchens etc.

  18. gcass672 says

    Thanks Alex, for people in west you might type Tap Plastics I know that they are in SF, & Oakland. Thanks dudes

  19. Chet Meyerson says

    Can't believe you could not find this stuff in Atlanta somewhere. Being in Atl myself, I'll have to shop around.

  20. wigm says

    Hi dude to you too!  Thanks for all you share and do for photography.

  21. JuniorK says

    ROFL on the hi dudes. Some people take life too seriously, I was very surprised people had a problem with that.

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