Photoshop Camera Raw Tutorials Photo Effects






Know the Power of Camera Raw Photoshop CC version. here you have all slider of exposure and color tones to set in image in camera raw. in this tutorial we will achieve to have film look just with few clicks and tweaks. here main idea is to understand the light position or direction from the light coming on the model to achieve desired color lookup. the start with gradeint filter to make image underexpose from bottom and left corner then blend the underexposure with curve tool. apply color tone as shown and you are very near to film look foggy effects

thanks for reading and watching this Video

  1. Maxim Petrov says

    Excellent video content! Sorry for chiming in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you heard about – Riddleagan Made Masterpiece Remedy (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a smashing exclusive guide for learning professional photo editing without the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my cousin  got astronomical results with it.

  2. Richard Crowe says

    God awful music!

  3. Ranko Tintor Fiko says

    Unfortunately Photoshop CS6 haven't FILTER camera raw.

  4. Christian Rasmussen says


  5. Bishwa Adhikari says

    From where I can download Photoshop Camera Raw for cs5 ???

  6. Krishna CJ says

    what version of photoshop are you using sir

    thank you

  7. Lisa Maier says

    Can you please help me? I have Adobe Photoshop Cs6, and I can open Camera when my photos first open BUT I DO NOT HAVE IT UNDER FILTERS?? How do I get to my filters so I can open under filters?

  8. blackit8 says

    there are people on youtube as Andrei oprinca , Rafya and others give us tutorials and files on deviantart without editing and low resolution , in your case your files are not found and that makes it harder to do your tutorials

  9. Andres Mendoza Fotografía says


  10. Tin Nguyen says

    thanks my friend

  11. 1 Young Kid says

    nice work sir u have own any institue i ll join nd i learn if u read this msg so sir plz tell me

  12. gopalakrishna iyer says

    when i open my cr2 files in adobe camera raw 9.2 the histogram shows only red and white.. the image itself looks different than how it looks.. however when i open it in photoshop after opening in adobe camera raw..its just looks fine.. the greens and blue are back.., i would to like it have normal with the RGB colours.. can you please help me.. i have tried reinstalling camera raw and photoshop as well.. it doesn't come back.. thank you in advance..

  13. Francesco Rossigniolo says

    Ciao ! Vorrei chiederti una cosa : Io effettuo le mie modifiche con camera raw, salvo la foto in jpg ma se poi devo usare delle funzioni che trovo in photoshop e non in camera raw ( tipo pennello correttivo, filtro clone, fluidifica et

  14. VINAY KUMAR says

    thanks sir

  15. Anasixxs says


  16. Neil M says

    Top shadow is a bit low for me, chopping her face in half.

  17. Harendra Das says

     can you please tell me.. how you opened  #camera_raw  settings directly in filter panel?????? 

  18. Benjamin Devassy says

    Super Bro

  19. BKV says

    nice tone, thks for sharing

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