1. Janiowsky PeFauPe says

    You looked as handsome as today 🙂

  2. Naruto Uzimaki says

    You look good

  3. Alex Monoxide says

    Wow that picture looks amazing Johnny!!!!

  4. Reagan J says

    You look great! Still do, Johnny! Keep it up.

  5. AlmostMLG SKRUBS says

    Holy damn, you were a good-looking person on the picture, too handsome for me to handle, women's dream.

  6. Desmond 17779 says

    He looks so amazing

  7. Anakin Skywalker says

    looking good Johnny

  8. Alessa Apidae says

    Thank you for these. I know I'm late, but I enjoy storytime with Johnny Dee!

  9. BrotherBraxton says

    Dang, that’s one tough looking guy, u looked like a greaser.

  10. obesepenguin 69 says

    Yooo he was Soo handesome! Still is!

  11. Ammonia says

    You looked great, not saying that you don't now, lol.

  12. yeimi Palucho says

    You could use the community tab if you like to share things such as pictures.

  13. Eric G says

    Damn, u looked so good, (not that u don't now)

  14. expIoder Cowman says

    u looked awsome

  15. l'umanità non fa schifo says


  16. сука блять says

    u looked cooler than pewds in that picture

  17. Tere Headaega says

    You looked good,still do!😊

  18. Otters4lyfe says

    Well you looked mighty nifty

  19. E FILMS says

    Actually you can put pictures on the community tab on YouTube

  20. Chad NotChat says

    VlogGod Jhonny

  21. latina_fangirl says

    You look so dapper!!
    You must've been quite a ladies man.😉😉

  22. Kasper Holm says

    More these kind of videos! ❤

  23. Blackreti says

    Wow you graduated a year after my mom was born.

  24. dove founder says

    Amazing you do good if ever need just tell us we will be they

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