1. Logan Martinez says

    When I saw FTM I thought of female to male

  2. Gadjo X says

    the logo at 1:01:00 would work great without the thick circle.

  3. Sergio Amaro Photography says

    Really nice guys! The only thing is you should do also one or two "perfect" examples of what a great logo is (or picture or whatever critique is), I mean a 4 or 5 rating logo. I think the entire video is only about 2 or 3 rating logos.

  4. Joshua James says

    Mike Kelley Logo: 2 / FS Logo: 3 / RLM Logo: 2

  5. Charles Booker says

    Great video guys. But I wish I had watched this before I just ordered a set of business cards complete with aperture blades logo 😩😩😩. Oh well live and learn.

  6. Nitin Kumar says

    I like these two teenagers fighting with each other over some pictures 🙂

  7. Brian Jones says

    Hahaha, this is such a great critique. Please, when branding for your business, you are not branding for yourself, you are branding for your audience. This is the #1 rule when branding for you and your business.

  8. 2checkingout says

    Great video guys, just about to set up my own photography business. Would the community recommend using my name or a photography related word like FStoppers as the company name?

  9. Lucas Marreiro says

    38:06 is GOLD hahahaha

  10. Marc McConnell says

    35:10 Literally.. Make a clip art / logo of the bird with the water trail and you're onto something.

  11. Andrea Blasko says

    what do you consider a "modern" font?

  12. Enrique Yang says

    what do u think of having different version of logo for different genre?

  13. IndyKurt says

    I have so much to learn, I thought I knew what a good photo was and did agree with everything except the VW van. You both wow'd over it… If it is not a painting then I would be shocked. The story is so mixed. This vehicle never came with dual axles on the rear and would never have a purpose, why is wood attached to the side. You guys love this basically because of the colors and lighting. His logo is as abstract as his painting/graphic art.

    lol@ Flaming Garrett Blanchard

  14. William Courtney says

    Mike: “You have an easier time being harsh than I do.” Also Mike: “It looks like it’s ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag.” lol

  15. MrNosugarcoating says

    You designed the logo for fstopper? You need to demand a refund for your degree. You guys are so biased. You clearly wanted topography style logos.

  16. PhotoArt Teacher says

    The one problem with critiques is when you don't have true experts on the matter it becomes more opinion or someones' 2 cents. For my 2 cents I disagreed with many of their points by the end The Felix Hernandez logo was horrible I didn't get that it was an H until they said his name my first instinct is it was a crossword puzzle for a kids activity website – the flame at the end that they loved I thought looked like a great business card logo for your local natural gas company – I thought the only decent bones was the Frankie Jones one (yes the spacing was bad and don't lowercase the name if the initials are caps) it looked the most high end. The wedding image was not great for a web site dress was blown out in many places looked like Minnie-me and flowers were growing out her back and cheap cars in the background behind the beautiful classic

  17. PhotoArt Teacher says

    I love the idea of these critiques but for me the wheels fell off this one – by the end they were contradicting what they said in the beginning. You can't say "oh I like this logo a lot and then 2 minutes latter say "I have no idea what this genre of image will be" the one thing that was golden was in the beginning when you said the logo should match the type of photography you do

  18. Richard Mason says

    Mike you nailed this. Impressed with your logo/image connectivity. I learned a lot.

  19. Yeshi Zangpo says

    photo better than logo? logo not matching photo….lol…do we need to to change logo to match photo…sorry if I misunderstood

  20. Charlie B. says

    This is like watching mystery science theatre 3000!

  21. Lyan Villacorta says

    1:04:35 The negative space of the logo are like geometric-cartoon versions of a thumbs down / dislike.

  22. Graham Smith says

    Logos are fine with me though they seem unnecessary for a lot of photographers despite it being a good way to build a brand. But most of these made me cringe. Watermarks on the other hand…are pointless. You should never use them and you can't convince me otherwise.

  23. Arnie Whip says

    so you paid 8g's to have something an entry level student could make in 5 minutes? lmao

  24. The Kiwi says

    I spent a plastic/metal Kiwi for my logo!

  25. Austin Page says

    "I think orange is kind of a 'cheap' color". What? Sounds like something a client would say.

  26. wolfgangk1 says

    It's difficult to take those guys seriously after seeing their logos. The thought that Lee says that he had a graphic design background doesn't mean he graduated. I would not have admitted to "designing" that logo. In fact, I would be embarrassed to show that thing. Lastly, the obvious discomfort in their body language when being critiqued should (if they weren't so arrogant) serve to make them mindful of how the folks feel when they boorishly review a submission.

  27. Krayz Mitchell says

    23:26 tells me that you already knew what type of photography the guy does before hand. So why pretend and play predict the genre based off logo?

  28. UFGator1972 says

    I do not mind the critique but the clowning and laughing is totally unprofessional. Those people submitting their logos deserve better than that.

    "You know what I mean?" After hearing this over 1,000 times the community says 1/2 *

  29. Jamille Browne says

    Y'all come off so pretentious but spent thousands of dollars paying others for a logo yall couldn't do yourselves with going to school for graphic design. Your critiques are off based off hating cliches and people using cursive to represent signature. Not everything needs to be over simplified. Just because companies get away with minimalist logos doesn't mean it's the only way to go. I can't believe I'm watching this whole thing. It's cringe worthy.

  30. Brandon Moe says

    I'm honestly convinced they just say these crazy things to be antagonists

  31. 01man01truck says

    Uncanny valley

    Is that like a show or something?


  32. ajtmoz says

    the hamid safi logo actually works, the drone and houses just look like mountain ridges when looked at small! nice job!

  33. Who'sThatGirl says

    #7 Frankie James' logo looks like it came off the periodic table and I ain't mad at it lol

  34. Arno Kilhoffer says

    That cross logo around 1:08:09 is an Occitan cross. Not quite original …

  35. Ray Valdez Photography says

    I changed my logo because of this video

  36. Svitojus says

    Fstoppers logo is bad, because it is absolutely generic. Obvious choice for apperture stoppers logo would be “fi”. Not only it would make perfect sense, but it would also show knowledge of your field in depth; spanning through multiple dispciplines. That would be a great logo.

  37. 为爱度Y-A d'Ouradou says

    1min07.. it's the Languedoc cross…. a region in south of France so the guy must be from there.

  38. Al Capone says

    your logo is trash

  39. Jakob says

    could you make a critique of your own fotos for each other, because in some videos you seem like youre on the highest horse and knoww everything there is about photogrphy

  40. Robin Bruce says

    Why is cliche bad ?
    I mean there is a reason it became a cliche

  41. S A says

    Wouldn't be too full of your logos.

  42. CrowSong Lodge says

    Was a professional calligrapher for a while, and creating a watermark from a signature or custom calligraphy is a pretty straightforward process. re: 45:34

  43. DJRT says

    I know I'm watching this 2 months late, but wanted to comment on Lee's "Profoto" comment. Profoto is a Swedish company, where photography is spelled "Fotografi". So Profoto is correct for them. Not being edgy.

  44. Yoko Nono says

    Mike is my love 😍

  45. Sam Yong says

    For the FJP logo, What if change the square to a upside-down triangle?

  46. Bill Zidis says

    Ok,some of these logos are very bad

  47. Lucas Hoheisel says

    Shouldnt you give free tutorials to the worst photographers?

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