1. Pat Trainor says

    Would be nice to see someone do getting a bitmap OUT of a picturebox. Maybe using a screenshot of the machine instead of a file on disk.

  2. GreyCore says

    I was just working on a project with pictureboxes in the focus, and this appeared. After spending 2 days to figure out how to deal with my issues, this solved it in literally 2 minutes. Thanks?

  3. Casper de Bruin says

    79 not 78 XD first sentence

  4. Roel Lira says

    How can i change the image in the picture box using the month calendar?

  5. עידן אואליד says

    I was wondering if you could help me with code that checks whether two images similar

  6. Austin Hernandez says

    Perfect! Thank you! 

  7. Ali Al Amine says

    thank u.

  8. Craig Smith says


  9. rezomegrelidze says

    Great tutorials

  10. TheEpicProduction says

    how do i save the image filename?

  11. David Wechsler says

    Thank you!

  12. Visitha Galhena says

    great tutorials. increase the size hart to see the codes in video! very helps to us!

  13. Cristian Ferrari says


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