Amazing fast portrait retouching with Perfectly Clear Version 3

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In this tutorial I will show you how to use perfectly clear and how you can retouch dozen of photos in a few clicks to get result that would take a lot of time in Photoshop. The great thing about this software is the ability to decide how much stronger or not you want to retouch the skin, there are a lot of options.


01:30 Portrait retouching
02:10 retouching skin
02:57 face retouching (loose a few pounds)
03:38 blemishes removal
03:49 skin toning (adding a tan, pale, warm, foundation)
04:20 saving a preset
05:06 eyes enhancer
05:14 face contouring (loose some pounds)
05:27 skin – blemish removal
07:50 Bulk retouching of many portrait shots taken at same light
08:13 color restoration
08:35 sharpening
08:57 makeup (skin toning)
09:44 strength setting (new feature for all applied settings)
10:13 side by side view (for before and after)
10:25 apply settings to all remaining photos (bulk apply of settings)
11:30 Landscape retouching
11:53 sky enhance
12:19 Foliage enhance
12:50 Looks – Color Grades – Autumn setting
13:00 Ability to retouch many photos at once
13:33 40% Off Perfectly Clear offer

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  1. abderrahmane abdoun says

    hi from morocco merci serge

  2. Murat Kilci says

    Your link is no longer working? You still have the 40% off deal available?

  3. MAdCAP says


  4. PostWarKids says

    this channel became an infomercial a while ago but I'm finally unsubscribing

  5. Square Breaker says

    LOL Fuck this ad shit!

  6. Michael Cross says

    totally Rad pro retouch 2

  7. Jeremy Xhofleer says

    Very bad software and way overpriced as i see it!!!

  8. Brooks Whitford says

    I want to know where he gets the covers for his laptop.

  9. Brent Drafts says

    Usually you don't do alterations for acting portfolios, I thought.

  10. sarimner says

    Perfectly clear 3.1 is fine.. You dont need to do everything is Photoshop even if you can!! 😛

  11. mopimops says

    you are lost the details of the hair during reaouching the photos of your friend!

  12. Hugh Mobley says

    I like Perfectly Clear SOMETIMES, I did use it on a recent Head Shot session because she didn't want much retouching, I am concerned with the results after running thru PC when you compare side by side the before and after images, when you zoom in to 100+ the images is really unsatisfactory, it is not clear at all. So most of the time I do not use image, Landscapes work mostly OK, but not all the time.

  13. Roy G Biv says

    Is this a paid advertisement? I think you should be disclosing this information at the beginning of every video. This software is bad and creates horrible results. As a professional photographer you know this. Im sorry but im not some elitist snob. But anyone making professional portraits needs to learn the correct methods in photoshop.

  14. Charles van Dijk says

    Come here for Lightroom sooner or later plugins go out of business. Got my fingers burned with the Nik Collection. Pay good money then it is for free finally it disappears.

  15. Lunar Delta says

    Perfectly clear is a poor-quality tool for people who don't know any better. It doesn't do anything that couldn't be done better in Photoshop. Also, Ken Rockwell is a supporter of this tool. Don't be like Ken Rockwell.

  16. Wonder Around says

    If it isn't Squarespace then this….Seems to me squarespace got a lot of you to make "websites" creation at the same time…hard marketing I'd say…

  17. Sou Eii says

    Amazing fast=14min

  18. Will ortiz says


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