1. JustAnAsianGuy says

    So many fake shit in one video

  2. Dremorian says

    If your seeing this I'm in heaven right now because I'm in the hospital about to die from a severe heart disease I wanted to watch this as my last video I'll ever see

  3. Jrongo 1030 says

    Dude the title is so threatining

  4. Fan says

    0:43 ummm???? English plz

  5. Eden Maslobodsky says


  6. Marym Kireakos says

    1:27 her?

  7. 1 eel says

    2:16 WTF

  8. Cotton Hill says

    It made my day seeing Kurt Cobain on here

  9. Qadir Ahmed says

    What a coincidence I’m wearing puma

  10. Katie Sims says

    That definitely wasn’t the last photo taken of Anne Frank. Because there’s many more rare photos of her in the Annex. And maybe someone could actually Google the last photo of Anne Frank. See what pops up!

  11. Айлин Тунджер says

    2:37yeah! That little gay can’t even sing

  12. Stefan Tomescu says

    2:16 omg 😢

  13. Gaming Cramp says

    Why do I need to see a man with a big beard before I die

  14. Aeeday says

    At 1:26 it says died after tripping and breaking her (his) neck

  15. Andro Gamers says

    Rip Anne Frank

  16. Black Widow says

    6:07 we humans are so evil

  17. Black Widow says

    some of this is inaccurate lol

  18. Gacha_Life _Katie says

    1:30 that looks like a mix of sand and salt!

  19. Glushe says

    Thank You for this interesting video.

  20. O K says

    1:27 Bruh its he

  21. Ass Ass says

    Why are some pics in another language? I wanna read it!!!

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