1. Maria Patricia Gomez Blanco says

    Me regalaron una usada pero no tengo el cable usb y sali a comprarlo y
    ninguno se adapta, y alguno me han dicho que es un cable especial , es
    cierto eso?

  2. Projen Gaming says

    Whete the usb name

  3. Sachin Varshney says

    Eski battery or charger mil skta h ??

  4. olgica ted says

    non riesco a scaricare foto sul Pc,Cosa devo fare?

  5. Shrinivas More says

    It supports external mic?

  6. Amar sharma says

    I have this camera from last 7 yrs 😁 still works good my first camra … now i own a dslr

  7. adelky ramos miranda says

    nesecito comprar una batería de ese modelo

  8. hey, thaylla says

    por favor ensina como carregar essa câmera tô em dúvida meu deus

  9. fedaa Aa says

    Please please i need an answer , i gost have the camera with the battery and the so what shuld i do????????????????? Please i need an answer and very very faast.

  10. Mamdoh Khalaf says

    لايوجد شرح بالعربى

  11. sachin patil says

    How to take pic with bluer effect?

  12. Adolfo Osuna says

    te pasaste todo el video enseñando la cámara enseñame como husarla no seas cabron..

  13. FireAntStorm says

    Coldplay – yellow

  14. Tom Hogan says

    how do i format card

  15. Uche Mike Emelife says

    please how do i get the pictures from this device to my computer

  16. John A. Fellows says

    Valdamort, did not see it written anywhere that who ever is to follow Your instructions…

  17. valdarmort says

    you do know a that your supposed to talk about the camera. not just play music and show people the stuff you get in the box .watch linus tech tips .thats the way to do a review .now delete this video and do it again the write way

  18. Tz Pyrope says

    I found it difficult but I still managed to masturbate to this. Thanks GeeksHive

  19. teo sidiropoulos says

    if someone knows settings for full screen youtube videos please send me message 😉

  20. Yours sincerely says


  21. 614560w says

    can this be charged from the camera or do i need to take the battery out???

  22. nicoleisbored says

    i am getting this for christmas for youtube and i hope its good quality for recording (:

  23. Yung Jay says

    will this be good quality for youtube videos ? does it shoot hd ? please reply Thanks you (':

  24. Anup Thapa says

    if u can show how to change lens.. even kid can do that…

  25. 7Jfigo says

    @TheFJPTutoriales Yellow- Coldplay

  26. Aeolia Shenberg says

    @KizzyBee23 not much depending on your settings; flash etc and if you are recording videos it will drain the battery even more, For a camera even pocket size its battery last less than it should be, the battery is small they should have put a higher capacity one, beside that it gives clear picture quality, if you are planning to buy this, buy a higher capacity battery spare

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