1. Easy DIY Miniatures says

    Please, leave your comments and likes. It is very pleasant for me.
    Printables: http://easydiyminiatures.com/Printables/Photo%20studio-12.jpg

  2. Rocco Siffredi says


  3. مرحبا

  4. Isi Cárcamo says

    Jájaja ahora mi hamster en media noche lo voy a encontrar grabando videos :v

  5. Jatin rajput says

    Please make i phone x max diy plzz plzz plzz

  6. Dragon , - standoff 2 says

    Do iPhone xs max

  7. BINODON PLUS says

    Excellent Channel !! Great video my dear !!!

  8. Gracias por tu creatividad, amo tus miniaturas este estudio me agrado mucho.

  9. Gyarados 66 says

    Okay am I the only one who is going to say anything about the thumbnail image? WTH is wrong with that couple and their dog?!?

  10. Star Movie Games says

    Super miniatures so cute

  11. Abdessamad z says

    Omggg soo cool

  12. Очень натурально выглядит фотостудия!

  13. Igor Marechal says

    Чудесная фотостудия!

  14. Гарик Маре says


  15. Gumball Watterson says

    I love your miniatures
    I try make this miniature studio now!

  16. Yousif.B Matti says

    I like that, easy and interesting.
    Nice work.

  17. OCCUŁT says

    This video https://youtu.be/tJKmJcUOtls
    (playing card)
    printable link is not worked please link re-upload please!… please!… please!….

  18. skin_rainbow says

    >:( banned

  19. Lene Thomsen says


  20. Cristina Canales says

    OMG 😮

  21. santyx - kun xd says

    Nice , you are cool

  22. claudi661021 says

    😂😍😍😍 This is so cute and the figures are so funny.👍👍👍

  23. Artem 87 says


  24. Rosi596 :v says


  25. Jorge Flores H. says


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