5 Tips for Stunning Black & White Photography


I Guarantee I Can Teach You to Master Photoshop. Learn How:

We hit the streets of Chicago to show you our tips for photographing stunning black and white images.

Turn any photo into a beautiful black and white image with our PRO tutorial:



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  1. PHLEARN says

    Do you take B&W shots? Link to your favorite shots here.

  2. John Kraemer says

    What? No photoshopping people out! Hell NO!

  3. Larry Fuentes says

    Mr. Phlearn or Aaron, May you tell us what is the name of the background song in the video ?

  4. D4Dwayne says

    Aaron, I'm SUCH a fan of your work. I aspire to be half as good as your are one day. I'm so irritated that I waited so late in life to get on this creative journey but your vids have truly been inspirational and have motivated me to keep going! Thank you for allowing us that are in training to take a small peak into your world and to learn from one of the best!

  5. John Smith says

    When a bridge isn't shaking is when to be scared!

  6. Green Dargon says

    u r master photoshop editor i creat channel and my comment sub and like always yours.thanks

  7. X X ho says

    Hello Aaron,
    I saw your Refine Edge episode before. I have a question. When I open it, it always crash or it keeps loading. What happen? How do i fix it?

    Thank you!


  8. Rohan Sharma says

    Hey Aaron I love your work and I would be very grateful if you could make a tutorial on logo making and using it as a watermark for photos in photoshop. Thanking you in advance. :-p

  9. Choco Later says

    Worst time of the year visit city like that.

  10. iDiot Lever says

    Very helpful ❤

  11. Teddy says

    You should start vlogging !!!!!!!

  12. #RG says

    which camra,lens would u suggest me buddy ❄

  13. kelodan18 says

    Hi Aaron, I am curious as to the camera you were using for this video. Great tips in this video. It's inspired me to explore my city more indepth and put these tips to good use. Cheers, Mike from BC

  14. Warayut Lakkanasirorak says

    Would you mind helping me out ?
    What's the name of this song ?

  15. Samadhan Dnyaneshwer Patil says


  16. Samadhan Dnyaneshwer Patil says

    Love you

  17. heemoo nabeel says

    pleas !! can you give us some tips about cars photoshoot and best lenses for that and edited ,i appreciate that bro

  18. Charlie Sill says

    Ahhhh Yes, a foggy day. I live in Atlanta so they are few and far between but when it happens I am up early to capture it before it burns away.

  19. Bikash Pandey says

    An awesome place to learn PS.

  20. Peter John says

    I know this has nothing to do with the content of the videos which is always great…. but you look so much hotter than that long haired hippie man-bun mess in past years. I could even see some more beard but the hair, woof!

  21. ZeroG84 says

    You would make a great cult! Also, I'm editing some B&W shots as I write this. Cool if I tag you on instagram and if you take a look? 🙂

  22. Korpimaanvalo says

    Nice! Is there spring yet? I see some snow 🙂 here in Finland still freezing -20 celisus

  23. Roland Rick says

    😍 Hey, a X100F 😃

  24. Stan KMT says

    What camera do you use to vlog at 1:18? How did you get that crisp audio without mic?!

  25. alex mutovin says

    need more VLOG style shooting!

  26. Lluvia lm says

    Love it!!

  27. Jack Carver says

    Great video! That picture in picture edit was really cool too!

  28. CivilizedMenKilledMe says

    Next video: How to make Chicago′s Bean in photoshop.

  29. Alessandro Santos says

    I loved this kind of video, it was great and funny.

  30. KaleKain says

    Wow an actual photo tutorial instead of just LR/PS editing? I'm shocked you actually still have these.

  31. Spirit Encyclopedia says

    My favorite Phtoshop teacher is getting old? you have physically changed a lot brother. or maybe i have always watched your old videos? Love you and your videos, take a good care!

  32. DANTMAN says

    Hey Aaron, Any tips or Tricks on how to use Android phone's camera to take photos at lest to look kinda like Pro!?

  33. Ali Razvan says

    Fujifilm and driving GLE….. That was great but we are waiting for PS tutorials. Thank you

  34. Talya Adams says

    Great video. I enjoyed seeing you out of the studio and in the streets snap shots. Would love to see more videos like this.

  35. Noobando says

    Nice tips. Also, how much do you think we can manipulate a photo to the point where is no longer a photo? or, in the other words, doesn´t capture the moment anymore.

  36. Alan Tower Photo says

    Some of these architectural shots are screaming "Where is your tilt shift lens"!

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