The history of photography in 5 minutes

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Journey through the history of photography and discover how cameras have developed! 

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Producer: Ulrich Grill, zooom productions (
Animation: Fabio Medrano Rubio
Editing: Andrea Schernthaner
Illustrations: Adi Sumic

  1. Mister Ghost says

    If you think of the primary function of a camera it is to capture and store light. Light, as seen in thylakoids can be used to transduce electrons. The camera of tomorrow may be light harvesting tools used to create photon batteries. Analgous to a polaroid/glowstick. The lens takes in high energy blue light, stores it onto a pigment or some internally reflective crystal and later either through mechanical kinetic energy or a small electric charge, fluoresces the light back onto/into some photovoltaic converter. Ditch the selfie culture and think about, Light batteries. All that glitters is gold.

  2. Jackie Phạm says

    So…with the Leica 1, it's mean the mirrorless cameras were before SLR cameras 🤔🤔🤔

  3. laura clavijo says

    FUCK I was gonna use this for my presentation but it has a photo of naked people I was like damnnn. itttt

  4. Meg Joyner says

    I'm doing a presentation on the camera for class and this video would of been perfect…..if not the naked people

  5. vinohn says

    Kodak FTW

  6. Sabin Rai says

    Great Video Bro

  7. blanca Ardila says

    Thank you so much you are the reason why I got an A on my project

  8. Elba Dilán says

    About "why Kodak", it's also said that Eastman wanted a name that everybody in the world could pronounce and he says that it's the sound a camera makes when you take a picture.

  9. COPY NINJA says


  10. Ann Espinoza says

    Really irritating. Why did you have to put the nudes in there! This would have been great for my high school photo class, but I can't show that.

  11. CONFIGUR3 says


  12. Madzy Moo says

    thanks , this video really helped me with some important homework , seeing as I'm heading into the years where i do my secondary school course work <3

  13. srinivas Dabbiru says

    This is wonderful comment about the photographys

  14. Fluffy Bunny says


  15. Manni Kashyap says

    Awesome video 👌👌👌👌

  16. Santy Arboleda Gomez says

    Fome tu wea c:

  17. Sergio Andres R T says

    Gracias por el dato 😉

  18. Jhoan Steban Campo Rojas says

    Me ayudo mucho gracias :v

  19. Brian Salinas says

    Ultimo comentario :v

  20. Zakarya othman says


  21. Remigiusz Krzy Kowalewski says


  22. mcroy ape says

    Thanks for doing my project for be bros.

  23. C.S.R. says

    Nice video, but could use some sources, like any proper scientific documentary or historical article 😉

  24. Mwmen Shaker says

    Great video,but his name wasn't "ALHAZEN",it was AL HASSAN IBN ULHAYTHAM,and he wasn't a philosopher,he was the world's first scientist acually

  25. Ana Soldatovic says

    No Polaroid!!?

  26. Ben Chern says

    Humans gonna human

  27. Harry Dobson says

    very interesting

  28. Stilyan Genov says

    I am a wolf

  29. Jillian Dominique says

    likes video
    "now here's a cool story, bro"
    unlikes video

  30. Juls Barz says

    so who created the very first camera? is it Mozi, Joseph or Louis?

  31. Hacked User says

    1974 the year my mom was born in. “1974”.

  32. devolve42 says

    In this thread: people who think they are Walker Evans.

  33. Sharp Shots Photo Club says

    This is great! Head over to our channel for some educational photography videos for kids & teens!

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