Easy Photography beginner tutorial

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This beginner video is made to explain basic photography concepts with very simple words.

You can watch the whole thing or just skip to one of the chapters:

01:32 Aperture mode
07:04 Time Value mode
10:56 ISO
15:05 Manual Mode
19:35 Exposure Compensation
23:24 Photo Recipe
26:18 Basics of Lens
34:08 Raw vs Jpg
36:57 Shooting Landscape Day
39:22 Shooting Golden Hour
41:56 Shooting Night
46:35 Composition Tip and Tricks
52:53 Retouching with Lightroom




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  1. Stella Redondo says

    Hi! So, I have a question about the side by side picture of the church. So, I see you took one of the pictures at f6.3 1/30 100 ISO and the other one at f5.6 1/40 100 ISO. The latter seems to be darker. Why? Wouldn't you think the one with the higher f stop be the lighter one? Does this have to do with the shutter speed settings of the picture? Can you please explain. Thank you! And thank you for this awesome tutorial.

  2. Steven Halford says

    Why don't you first TALK SLOWER and second just have the balls to say that this is an infomercial for your "Free Tutorials"

  3. Annan Bader says

    Thank you very much, that was great training and taught me a lot!
    Thanks again.

  4. Aowl Fowl VDOs says

    Naah. I've learned from Thrifty Nifty Films and that guy is awesome. Check this out:

  5. Aracelis P. says

    Awesome tutorial for beginners!! I love to take pictures with meaning.. but I’ve been scared of a dslr cameras I bought a Canon powershoot instead.. and after watching this video.. my passion has increment 100% more.. thanks for sharing your knowledge!!

  6. Sangam Sangam says

    Excellent tutorial many thanks

  7. Neeta Mishra says

    Thank u very much so such a lovely photography course 😊

  8. Xusni Mubarak says

    woooow amazing video i like it really thanks

  9. Eric Rudd says

    Thank you so much for this, very valuable for someone starting their journey into photography.

  10. B. Christine says

    I couldn't hear the last part at all regarding depth 😩

  11. Fabio Grillo says


  12. andy gerald says

    sugi pyla

  13. leena Last says

    thank you soo much ! very helpful video
    do you have any special tips for mirrorless cameras or all the same rules apply?

  14. June Bear says

    I have one question for you:
    Are you… ARE YOU the God of photography?
    Ive been searching all over for anything possible that could help me to understand photography more AND I FOUND YOU! I clearly understood everything that you were saying and the examples were so helpfull. Thank you!

  15. Juan Gonzalez says

    Great video, I will use it a lot for reference, I'm new at this…

  16. siraj ahmed abdul aziz says

    very easy and simple way of explaining with practicals. thank you.

  17. Matthew Herzog says

    Great video! Thank you so much.

  18. Marius Ego says

    Ok. i sign-up. Now how to get the source files for this tutorial? Thanks.

  19. 80sROCKKKKK says

    Sunset at 9:30? Whoa..

  20. Umair Ulhaque says

    Hi Serge, I was following few of your interesting tutorials about retouching landscape then I found this video and I really appreciate your efforts as you explained the entire technical terms and theories of the photography very comprehensively in just an hour of this video. A lot of Merci to you!

  21. Fernando Muller says

    Could you please explain wich are the advantages in shooting with a dslr instead of a superzoom camera like a nikon p900 or a cannon sx-60? In my opinion, superzoons are cheaper and do all that dslr do with Just one single lens. Thank you for your attencion.

  22. Fernando Muller says

    Congratulation for the video. There's everything that one have to know to take greats shoots. Thank you!

  23. The ISO calculations around the 12th minute are wrong. ISO values are 100, 200, 400, the 125, 160, 250, 320 values are 1/3 steps. The speed goes twice faster when the ISO changes with 1 step – 100-> 200, 200->400, 400-> 800. 100->125 doesn't increase the speed or chip sensitivity twice, but with 1/3.

  24. Maqsood Ali Ali says

    Ramelli sir I hav purchased canon 700d 18-135 stm kindly pls guide me iam a new user of this camera pls tel me how to set the camera in manual mode to take pics in sun. How to set pls tel me sir I hav taken in sun but its come all bright like a white every where

  25. Halazable says

    Thank you very much!
    very good video, simple and logic.

  26. Marya Portugal says

    Thank you Serge Ramelli for the fantastic tips. 

  27. Marcy Leigh says

    long video but doesn't seem so because it's broken up into segments. Extremely informative, thank you so much Serge!

  28. Sariku says


  29. Jelle Pieter de Boer says


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