1. Koren Pollak says

    can you please do a toturial ??

  2. Samuel Mwacha says

    How many layers did you use yo finish this. Its brilliant.

  3. jetsonjoe says

    the garage band music is good too!

  4. Mike Ulisses says

    Nice !

  5. Kryptonia50 says


  6. Ioannis Polykandriotis says

    Ολυμπιακός Φενέρμπαχτσε.

  7. Liu Eddie says

    請問一下1:50開始, 如何讓皮膚能柔化就像真的皮膚一樣 . 是用不同筆刷嗎? 因為我在photoshop也遇到相似的問題. 謝謝!

  8. RAY LOPES says


  9. oli mueller says

    I want to have an iPad pro … NOW! Good work 👍

  10. 漫步 says


  11. محمد محمد says

    شكرا لك . استمتعت بمشاهدتك العمل الرائع

  12. Tio Cabrera says

    Oh lord it beautifu. You should teach

  13. Loki's Dream says

    Thank you for your determination to master excellence and perfection. I have found Procreate to be the most user friendly as well as ease of function among the digital media options. I still tote paper everywhere but have recently started experementing with loading sketches into Procreate at the end of the day to edit in Procreate early the following morning and I am having a hell of a lot of fun learning my way through the process. The only issue I have is that I look to achieve a meditative state when working my pencils and the feedback I get from the tooth of a decient pad is absent when working with Procreate on mt 12.5"iPad pro. I have been shopping around for a screen glass protector that has texture to it and the search continues. To me the feedback is an important part of my process and I hope that there are enough of other artists that feel the same as to inspire a developer to manufacture one. Till then, Paper will continue to have a special place in my heart. Excellent work ,and thank you for the inspiration.

  14. Makaruna says

    Amazing as usual 😍
    I have a question, Do you draw these from your imagination?

  15. Sirius 26 says

    could you do a turtorial or video for tips and strategies to draw portraits like this one? it would be very helpful,

  16. Celina Watkins says

    Wow…I’m speechless

  17. Zocco Zockt says

    Just Wow! I love your work 🙂 Can i may ask what kind of brushes you used for this?

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