Basic MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY Tips to Make Your Photos Stand Out


Do you struggle with frustration and feelings of inadequacy surrounding your photography skills or Instagram feed? Have you bought into the lie that you need a fancy DSLR camera in order to take good photos? Do you have a dream of sharing a story, service, or product with the world, but you lack confidence in your photography or Instagram skills? I’m here to help!

Follow me on Instagram: @kailynjulianna

  1. Kailyn Julianna says

    Want to learn more about mobile photography, and about how you can shine on Instagram? Check out this video:

  2. Kaibalya Dey says

    Is it just me or you have magic in your voice..i just close my eyes while listening to your voice..everytime!! It's like a super power you have!

  3. Dikshant Sketches says

    amazing tutorial 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 thanks

  4. Pradip says


  5. Yasir Askani says


  6. PRATEEK DUTT says

    She is C U T E


    Your video is really helpful. But I was just wondering if you can suggest something or apps that do the best on android/s . I have just started capturing with my Mobile phone that is an android smartphone and it has only 8MP rear camera. Can I do any good with this phone? need help.

  8. ASHER JM says

    Im so glad to come across your video. Hope you release more for all those who have an access to only their cellphone and need stories to tell. God bless

  9. Kenneth Wayne says

    This video is absolutely fantastic. I wasn't going to comment but I see that you're not getting the attention that you deserve for this video. I believe the reason more people aren't seeing it is because 1. There aren't any tags and .2 It is categorized as "Music". I know its been like 2 years since you uploaded so you may not really worry about it too much but if you do want to fix that just jump into the Youtube Creator studio and give this video a few Mobile Photography related tags and change the classification to "How-to & Style".

    If you fix those two things I could absolutely see this going into 1Mil+ plus territory. I really appreciate the tips and happy shooting!

  10. Alvin Bartolome says

    i like the background music… so relaxing… whats it called?

  11. amul yadav says

    Like the way you talk and your accent and polite voice
    Video is very helpful too

  12. Deniz Kendirci says

    your voice is soothing, thanks for the tips.

  13. Siddharth Sharma says


  14. Andrea Arcelao says

    I want to become an amazing photographer when I grow up. This video is very helpful.

  15. Gloria Kirabo says

    Wow this is been a lot of help

  16. Arly Aguilera says

    where's the ig?

  17. Josh Hoffman Productions says

    Hey Everyone this is a affiliate link for a great bundle on camera equipment especially if your starting out. Canon EOS Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm EF-S f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens + 58mm Wide Angle Lens + 2x Telephoto Lens + Flash + 48GB SD Memory Card + UV Filter Kit + Tripod + Full Accessory Bundle

  18. CHUST DURUST says

    Learn How To Take A Cool Photo With Your Cellphone,

  19. Hasan Moula says

    *……wow. this is a great video…. *

  20. MLG PINGU LOL says


  21. PINGU says

    Meme Man: Where is my foond?
    Drawing Guy: He're is your steank with no vegetal as you ordered sir.
    Meme Man: COOL. AND. GOOD.
    Vegetals: Did somebody just say: NO VEGETALS?
    vegetal flies into meme man's mouth
    Meme Man: I TASTE A VEGETAL.

  22. Scott Roberts says

    Thank you.  I began a high school photography workshop with this video, as many don't have access to a camera.  It was of high interest to the students, and a good start.

  23. Mark Vergel Dela Pena says

    I love watching your tutorials. You have so nice personility

  24. #ST 9 says

    Chase Jarvis 😎😎

  25. Jalitha Hewage says

    This is a really good tutorial. Thanks kailyn. 👌🏽

  26. Joshua Dimapilis says

    Amazing video. Learned a lot. Thank you!!!!

  27. jeeva vasanthan says


  28. Arpit The Phoenix says

    you've earned a subscriber….. <3

  29. orange tamagochi says

    What Iphone is she using on this video?

  30. sony Stark says

    #Kailyn Nickel pls give background music.. of your this video

  31. heet patel says

    It's real helpful. Ty for the video.

  32. Wandera P. Steven says

    I've just noticed you're having a Kenyan Bracelet on your right hand 😋😅😅.. What's the story? 😏😏😄

  33. dronger_ says

    or Lightroom 🙂

  34. S M says

    I love the music and way of talking a emotional touch in it. thank you so much for a wonderful video

  35. abbey lauffer says

    This video is something sent from heaven, it helped me so much and I'm for sure going to be putting some of these tips to mind! Thanks so so much:)

  36. Isabelle Jenkins says

    Amazing video!!!

  37. Jaineel Shah says

    Excellent job of explaining the mobile photography. Very helpful video to people who loves mobile photopgraphy. So talented and well explained with the knowledgeable mind. Awesome content to learn!! Very helpful!!

  38. subash fdo says

    really super!nice tips and explanation…..👌👌

  39. Angelica Niña Dela Cruz says

    In love with the overall vibe of your video! It's feels like you're a friend. So inspiring. 💕

  40. Jee Vang says

    notice how fans of cameras with small sensors never take photos in lowlight or of subjects moving fast? gee, i wonder why… ANY camera is capable of taking good photos in good light and/or of people just standing/sitting still.

  41. HACKSTEUR says

    Extra ! What is the music ?

  42. NEOMODERN says

    Great video!

  43. Cryptid Hunter says

    What's your Instagram handle? I'd like to follow you pls.

  44. Lester Vicente says

    its so helpful 💝

  45. Lester Vicente says

    its so helpful 💝

  46. Lester Vicente says

    its so helpful 💝

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