Masters of Photography – Nadar

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Photography by Nadar

Nadar was the pseudonym of Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (April 6, 1820 — March 21, 1910), a French photographer, caricaturist, journalist, novelist and balloonist.

Nadar was born in 1820 in Paris (although some sources state Lyon). He was a caricaturist for Le Charivari in 1848. In 1849 he created the Revue comique and the Petit journal pour rire. He took his first photographs in 1853 and in 1858 became the first person to take aerial photographs.

Around 1863, Nadar built a huge (6000 m³) hot air balloon named Le Géant (“The Giant”), thereby inspiring Jules Verne’s Five Weeks in a Balloon. The “Géant” project was unsuccessful and convinced him that the future belonged to heavier-than-air machines. Afterwards “The Society for the Encouragement of Aerial Locomotion by Means of Heavier than Air Machines” was established, with Nadar as president and Verne as secretary. Nadar was also the inspiration for the character of Michael Ardan in From the Earth to the Moon.

On his visit to Brussels with the Géant, on September 26, 1864, Nadar erected mobile barriers to keep the crowd at a safe distance. Up to this day, mobile barriers are known in Belgium as Nadar barriers.

In April 1874, he lent his photo studio to a group of painters, thus making the first exhibition of the Impressionists possible. He photographed Victor Hugo on his death-bed in 1885. He is credited with having published (in 1886) the first photo-interview (of famous chemist Michel Eugène Chevreul, then a centenarian), and also took erotic photographs.

From 1895 until his return to Paris in 1909 the Nadar photo studio was in Marseille.

On his passing in 1910, Nadar was buried in Le Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. The character of “Michel Ardan” in Verne’s De la Terre à la Lune (From Earth to the Moon) is inspired by Nadar.


  1. Alexis Rodriguez says

    when did Nadar active,and what style did they use,why are they important.

  2. franck colas says

    Superbe exposition en ce moment à la BNF à Paris !

  3. ¿Podría alguien decirme cuáles son las piezas musicales que componen el video?

  4. Etta Bordeaux says

    8 minutes of my life well spent. Thank you

  5. Jessi Zora henao says

    ¿podrías decirme el nombre de los compositores y de las piezas musicales de ambientación ?

  6. Martha Dicroce says

    Magnífico vídeo del primer maestro de ka fotografía.

  7. Google made me do it says

    Nadar also means "to swim" in Spanish 🙂

  8. hazard laurent says

    magnifique portraitiste! C'est très émouvant de découvrir tous ces personnages

  9. Teresa Afonso says

    A MASTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY! AMAZING! Thank you for this vídeo!

  10. Black Smith Photo says

    Thanks for sharing. Truly inspirational 

  11. TheTanatito says

    Thank you, beautyful !

  12. Arman Khashei says


  13. goodtimes616 says

    amazing to look at this and know that these characters have long since turned to dust, yet they are very much alive in the photograph. You can almost feel like you know them, nadar has given them immortality in a way.

  14. Torna Zefiro says

    Molto bello! 🙂

  15. gregbboy619 says

    Beautiful ! 🙂

  16. vonspre says

    Sólo una pequeña crítica sobre un también pequeño descuido que has tenido:
    GéraRd de Nerval.
    -Saludos ; )

  17. Verabadthings says

    Amazing! Superbe! Echt schön! Soberbio!

  18. manevip26 says

    HOLA PhotographyMasters, NECESITO URGENTEMENTE SABER SI TU SUBISTE UN VIDEO DE FRANCESCA WOODMAN, en donde lo que me interesa es la canción del video, está en francés, estoy como loco tratando de encontrar el video pero nada, oajlá lo tengas. gracias saludos

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