1. Pera Detlic says

    Cheers for the Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you tried – Riddleagan Made Masterpiece Remedy (just google it)? It is a smashing one off guide for learning professional photo editing without the headache. Ive heard some great things about it and my friend Sam finally got amazing success with it.

  2. ina kheyre says

    Give yuor fb or give your mobile number

  3. Roro Karaki says

    Please i want to know the name of this program

  4. Faisal Yum says

    9:36 after you click red you said "after you select the entire image blah blah blah". how to select the entire image? thanks

  5. ButternutSquash says

    aayyyyyy nice dawg

  6. SSTV says

    here's a few things about which functions of Photoshop to learn first
    The selection feature
    Image merging
    (I learned about these and more from Trevs photo blueprint site )

  7. Trey Staten says

    All u did was clone stamp and make a cc this is so basic

  8. saad khan says

    here i will suggest you to edit your picture by a professional just for $5 it is easy to use https://www.fiverr.com/users/adobe_wordpress

  9. EnzoAuditore says

    Thank you, nice photo by the way, did you took it?

  10. Sam Clonts II says

    This video was soooooo helpful!!! Thank you very much for sharing…

  11. TK & CO. says

    her legs are 2 different colors…

  12. GGG Good Game Guys says

    Have you thought about adding clouds in an overexpose sky?


    Check out my quick photoshop tutorial for instagram🌸🌺🌺

  14. KhanVision Production says

    am i the only one who thinks the before looks better than the after.

  15. Sahil Apteen says

    Nice Tutorial Mam, Good work…

  16. jovana citic says

    This is the most useful tutorial for professional editing I found , anywhere! Thanks!

  17. Nate Woods says

    You never added the grain.

  18. jomartini says

    take the gum out of your mouth first lol

  19. CrispyProductions says

    i really love your work! i have one question, do you every use lightroom for post processing or do you solely stick to photoshop?

  20. DORIANXXX says

    i think loss a lot of detail in shadows:/ still giving you like.

  21. Shana says

    Hello, i like your tutorials very much! Thank you! Could you do a tutorial how to edit yoga poses, skin, indoors and outdoors?

  22. A️erø&Zerø says

    Your Tutorial is why girls are posting fake photos on Facebook

  23. CrypticFateVEVO says

    your voice is so cute…

  24. Shirsendu Basu says

    I want to more learn from you

  25. Shirsendu Basu says

    Thanks madam. .its really good

  26. Aubree says

    I have the newest version of photoshop and there is no option for apply image.. help!?!?!

  27. Sapan Vasava says

    Awesome…!!! Thank you…i'm fucking love you…

  28. Nairoan Rodríguez says

    it helped me soooo much thankkk youuuuuuu

  29. jadoremacarons says

    Thanks soooo much for posting this! I understand why you go the pace you do. If you stopped to explain everything in slow motion, it would be a much longer video. I for one am a fan of short videos and doing the trial-and-error thing on my own. As it is, you do explain everything pretty clearly and your narration is too adorable! I can't wait to watch your other videos!

  30. mario montalvo says

    Could be explained much better dont feel like this is a tutorial, more like watching someone work quick and no trying to teach.

  31. GranKnowLa says

    Is there any way you could list the tools you use, or say them more clearly? I have no idea what you're doing because you say it so fast/unclear/quietly as you do it.. Great quality video, just a bit confusing.. Thanks darling!!

  32. iHanin says

    thank you!

  33. sannamwful says

    very helpful, thanks a lot!

  34. Micky says

    pretty sweet!

  35. hannan khan says

    edit photos in cheap

  36. Cristina Rotaru says

    great ! love it , thx a lot !

  37. mia says

    Hi Jessica, is there any sort of like online training to really understand the program. It's a bit over whelming it seems for somebody new like myself!

  38. Deepanshu Rai says

    hey jessica, i loved the way you edited. Its really very nice…
    thanks for the tutorial, what all i want from you is to please post a tutorial on how to professionally edit a photo of nature…
    Here, check my page and see if you could suggest ne something!!


    thanks again!

  39. Lizett Martinez says

    What program are you using?

  40. Mr. Andaaz says

    she got appreciations just bcoz she is a hot girl…but honeslty her tutorial is very confusing and her photoshop skills are ……neva mind

  41. Juan Pinnick says

    Love your edit!!!!!

  42. debbie gallardo says

    this is an awesome tutorial. thank you!!

  43. Tzadeck says

    First time watching one of your vids… Super helpful!  Will be back!

  44. Rishi Bhamre says

    It ws a very helpful tutorial for me. But cn u tell us which photoshop u use? Which version Cs6?

  45. Krs Vllano says

    Really good and learned a lot from it. But I think you can do this in raw much easier. except for the added lighting that you did and the strap thing.

  46. Swazyzor says

    thank you so much

  47. CJ Salundaga says

    Learnt from this tutorial 🙂 Do you have a tutorial for having a high quality picture? For example, by changing its size without being pixelated.

  48. hlgntv says

    Great tutorial, thanks!

  49. Justin O'Sully says

    Extremely helpful! So much to pick apart and use

  50. Omar Elkady says

    Thank you for this i like it and learnt from it 😉

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